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Philip Anthony

Complex Creation

This complex design comes equipt With three levels of hazards, logic, elevators, puzzle solving and just pure fun.

Complex Creation
Philip Anthony, Oct 14, 2017
    • Rating:
    • nGord
      @Shroomir - Please tell us more. What did you like so much about the level? I haven't played it and if you left us a comment it may have helped me and others decide on whether we should download this level (as others). Comments are not only helpful to other players but to the creators so that they understand what people like and where they could improve. The system notice on ratings says as much as well as encouraging comprehensive evaluation. I'm sure you took many factors into consideration, but again it would be great to know what was most important to you. Similarly the notice goes on to say that "if you want to simply send a message of encouragement or that you like a level, use the "Like" link instead." Rating levels without a comment, although not as great, is also an option. I trust that you can help us set the example next time. Thanks!
      chemi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      I'm taking one star off because with so much precision, the restarts and waiting becomes tiresome.
      That said, you've done a quite thorough job of shortcut prevention, and some thinking was required to discover the proper use of the upper level.
    • RBJ-ON
      there is a shortcut at the beginning... i dont know the terms or move names but hope the pic explains it... just move B to the first blue point. then when the floor starts moving back send B to the new point. the floor will push him up and he can go up the stairs and win...
    • Don G Rowe
      @RBJ-ON Good catch. It's a basic autopilot. Can't believe I missed it. :eek:
    • Philip Anthony
      @RBJ-ON I did mean to take that out, but really didn't see it as a game changing factor until you pointed it out.
    • Don G Rowe
      @Philip Anthony You'll find that there are plenty of cheaters and shortcut artists 'round these parts. ;)
    • Philip Anthony
      @Don G Rowe I apologize if it became tiresome to you, I worked real hard to make this right but didn't consider the length would be a problem when repeated. It's just that I can't help myself to do otherwise. But thanks so much for the stars.
    • Don G Rowe
      @Philip Anthony Not a problem. As a general rule, it's best for game play to have precision moves at the start of a level, or limit the length of the level if using lots of them. It's just less rework for players, especially where Zappers are involved, leaving no other choice. Same with using automatic lifts or sliding blocks ... makes for lots of waiting on them if you miss your timing, or have to repeat them due to restarts. That's all I really meant to point out. :)
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