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Pyramid Puzzle


Pyramid Puzzle
Reeseesman, Oct 9, 2017
Playtime and MomoKeego like this.
    • Rating:
      Quite confusing as B seems able to get almost anywhere via convoluted paths and go round in circles. However a simple win is possible in a handfull of moves without using the three large lower draggables
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      Hi and welcome to the forum. This is a great looking first level, but I think you have left open a very simple path to the win that bypasses almost everything on the exposed interior. I'm not entirely sure since this is a maze, and those could all just be designed dead ends. Seems @ridgerunner had a similar experience.
    • Reeseesman
      @ridgerunner @Don G Rowe You are correct. All dead ends and roundabouts were intentional. Was meant to be confusing. Thanks for the comments!
    • Don G Rowe
      @Reeseesman Thanks for clarifying. We see a lot of levels on the forum that have unintended alternate or shortcut solutions. In the case of your level, my original rating stands. :)
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    Oct 9, 2017
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