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Prison escape

The b. Be the criminal find the way for escape from prison.

Prison escape
PvB, Dec 28, 2016
hadi, Jay kokare and chemi like this.
    • DEVIL
      I see you have deleted the previous card :eek: any particular reason, cause i am in process of playing the older version of this level. :):)
      PvB likes this.
    • Rating:
      Really nice logic level with great visual design. I felt as being in the prison. By the way, the last step is little bit tricky although... who said it was easy to escape from a prison? :D Thanks!
      PvB likes this.
    • DEVIL
      Hi, Nice Level.
      However i cant get R to climb the wedge stairs in the end, he seems to get off in the first floor itself. Any hints?
      PvB likes this.
    • Rating:
      Yes great level but spare a thought for us over 60's with reading glasses.
      I spent ages trying to get that ball to drop!
      PvB and chemi like this.
    • chemi
      R should push a ball and that's all for him.
      PvB likes this.
    • ridgerunner
      [/ i think that the square you "send" B to is important as i failed first time but subsequent climbs were all ok...to]
      PvB likes this.
    • Rating:
      This level is awesome. Recommended for trick and hardcore players :p:p:p. It took me a lot of time to figure the way of reaching the Win block. :(, still great fun though, I just couldn't quit the level without completing. ;), Thanks for all the hints :oops:.
      PvB likes this.
    • Rating:
      Brilliant prison level...Now I can say:I AM FREE!!!:sneaky:
      PvB likes this.
    • kayody09
      How do i get B to go down the hole beside the 3 zappers up on the rails?
      PvB likes this.
    • PvB
      Tap On The other Side Of The Hole And Quickly Push B-bot By Draggable.
    • Rating:
      i think that the first your design was so good.like the your last designs:)
      PvB likes this.
    • LigeaM
      Love the design but I'm stuck
      How do I fill the hole beneath 3 zappers?
      I did it once by accident, and don't know how to repeat it.
      PvB likes this.
    • PvB
      @LigeaM I will send you video soln of that part.
      LigeaM likes this.
    • PvB
      @LigeaM it will help you
      LigeaM likes this.
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    Dec 28, 2016
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