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The Gazebo

B has been tasked to manage the town's gazebo, but there are certain things he can't do by himself. Luckily, his trusty colleague R is down to lend a helping hand, zappers be damned.

The Gazebo
mothproof, Oct 6, 2017
RZK, Ray Aznable, hadi and 1 other person like this.
    • mothproof
      For peeps new to the game, you'll need to do a trick called "autopilot" to finish this level. Kindly look it up in the forum.

      Also, if you get stuck on top of the stone pillar above (beside the ball), you can do another trick called "boogie dance" to get B off the offending block. Just repeatedly tap the three blocks (the pillar, ball, and stone block) so as to make B do a confused boogie dance and B will eventually , softly fall one block down.
    • Rating:
      wow:eek:.Designed very interesting and clever levels:). The moves were very special and thoughtful. I enjoyed it a lot;). I succeeded after 4 attempts. Although sometimes B got strange places that needed to start again.:oops:
    • mothproof
      @hadi , Sorry for the strange places, sometimes B likes to wander. And hey, thanks for playing and coming back here. :)
      hadi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Maybe i do it with wrong ways, hmm i dont knowo_Obut its done. Thanks :D
      Well, it seems the zappeRs got trapped when i goes up on the stairs and i make B fell and goes up using lift, then its finish without worrying the zappeRs.
    • mothproof
      @Azerald yup, that's pretty much it. Thanks for playing and coming back. Glad you enjoyed :)
      hadi likes this.
    • Rating:
      Several clever bits to this level made it very enjoyable. I kept on landing on the ball until i realised i could tap to avoid that happening. Nice method of isolating zbot allowing B the win.
    • mothproof
      Thanks for playing, @ridgerunner . Always a pleasure seeing your name on the comments section. :)
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      Minus one star for some minor move instabilities (which is what I guess you mean by "precarious"), but very cleverly designed. Nicely done.
    • mothproof
      @Don G Rowe Thanks for playing man. Sadly I still can't comment on of ur levels as I'm still figuring out your latest Threes a Crowd.. :)
    • Block builder
      I must admit that while the level is clever and has an interesting design, it annoyed me a lot. I'll mention the points why.
      1. The 1st slider you autopilot on, leaves 2 units height under it when raised. This triggers claustrophobia and thus makes a red-cross tap required so B doesn't step off the slider.
      2. B gets stuck all the time between the stairs, half a unit before it's intended location to let zapperbot walk over him. Such stairs climbs with low ceilings should not be used.
      3. Next, you need to fall. It is annoying to trigger, and if B falls he can easily fall off the level.
      4. The level has a huge red-herring (R, ball and path over zappers). I already don't like red-herrings. But what really bugs me is that instead you need to use an inirtia trick (the fall of point 3). That combo, red-herring circumvented with an inirtia trick, is an awful combo. Sorry for sounding harsh, but it really is user unfriendly and not a good way to make a level more difficult and less trivial. Note that if inirtia tricks are allowed, 95% of the levels get huge shortcuts. So, as a player you tend to avoid inirtia tricks assuming they are not part of the intended solution.
      Please take this as constructive critisism. Your style has merit.
    • mothproof
      @Block builder wow, that's a long read. :) Thanks for taking time to mention your points one by one. Still am processing them, specially 3 and 4, since it's 5:30 AM here and am on a chilly bus, and you're probably talking about a different route.
      I do disagree with you regarding B falling off easily, cos it's one of the challenges of the level, or most levels for that matter--keeping B within the bounds of the game area. I do get your point #1. It's really an afterthought, and at the time I was actually amazed to find out that if I use the slider for B to autopilot/ jump over, that'll throw his trajectory a bit to the right or left depending on a wedge's position.
    • mothproof
      Here's a vid. Don't laugh as B needlessly falls several times. Lol.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Changing my rating as I thought, based on earlier comments, the intended solution was something different. So forget about my points 2, 3 and 4, B doesn't get stuck as he doesn't need the be there, 3 was about falling where you don't need to fall, and there is no red-herring in the level. Then, I can also see why you accept the "not falling off the level" as an acceptable challenge. It wasn't from the spot I was talking about.
      Why I started reading the comments in the first place, was because the ball was not falling correctly. What I interpreted from @Azerald's comment (which you confirmed @mothproof) is that you need to throw B to the staircase where B can let Zapperbot move along, and then drop B.
    • mothproof
      @Block builder Nice to have changed your mind. Thanks. But hey seriously, keep those comments coming because I learn something new each day, Id rather see comments than a cold shoulder. Am that needy. Lol :)
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