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Dark Side of the Moon

Explore the dark side of the moon and see what lies beneath it's surface.

Dark Side of the Moon
MScript, Oct 2, 2017
    • Block builder
      Is it intended to push B sideways after the 2nd time he leaves the stone half?
      MScript likes this.
    • Rating:
      Very nice and surprising design! I think I reached the goal by accident.
      MScript and hadi like this.
    • Rating:
      aa kim
      wow amazing, push the bot.. thank's :thumbsup:
      MScript likes this.
    • chemi
      Walk to the right horizontal cylinder and fall one tile autopiloting to the end vertical cylinder leaving a space between both. Then tap the win...
      MScript likes this.
    • Rating:
      Well, found another second longer solution. Don't know which is the designed one but it was enough to rate the level.
      The visual implementation is really original, I liked it a lot. Some how it reminds me the Death Star... :sneaky:
      Get to the left side and then to the lower center side. Once there, push B one tile lower with left side and tap the win.
      MScript likes this.
    • Rating:
      Thank you very much. I like this conceptual design. It may even be considered an appropriate level for children. Because there is no complicated and strange trick. Of course, this will not reduce the value of your design. Because you require the high art for a level designing that Make it suitable for all ages:thumbsup:;)
      MScript likes this.
    • MScript

      No tricks or pushes were intended.

      The intended solution included the top part though.
    • Block builder
      What is the top part for? i can only push B down and tap, instead of a sideways push. But that's still a push.
      MScript likes this.
    • MScript
      @Block builder
      The intended solution is to step in the right half of the horizontal pilars, step onto the vertical pilar, move onto the block on the left part, move that out of the way, then (!) Lower the top, step onto that and then straight to the win.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Ah yes, that's a very clean solution. Actually thought about moving on the top of the top part, but somehow missed it before.

      So there is a clean non-pushy solution.
      MScript likes this.
    • Rating:
      Wow, beautiful level. Not hard to solve but an excellent one. Thanks! :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Great logic level with a very nice design!! At first I did it using exploits/push but after I read the spoilers I re-played the level and did it right:D!! Thanks for sharing and excellent job @MScript ;)
      MScript likes this.
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