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20 Years Later

Chapter 5: Despite the detonation, B's lair was mostly intact or in terrible shape, depending on how you feel about bombs. Fast forward to twenty years later, and it looks like the old antagonism is still alive. Now the R gang wants to take over B's fortress once and for all. But will B let them?

20 Years Later
mothproof, Sep 26, 2017
RZK, hadi, OpalLagoon52 and 2 others like this.
    • Rating:
      Bufff, can't give the five stars rating because what I understand is the designed solution is really really complex if not impossible (short time frame to tap a tile with minimal visibility plus immediately move a draggable). Also first step is very unstable.

      But a closer view of the level let me found a not easier shortcut to win it... :rolleyes:
      I think potentially it was a great level but the implementation was really complex. Anyway, thanks for sharing!

      Sacrify B to fill the hole with his head. With right timming get both zappers down and force them to cross using B body...
    • mothproof
      Thanks for playing, @chemi . Yeah there's always that shortcut where B ends up dead, but the long tedious way is where he stays alive. Thanks for pointing out that shortcut though.
      The first step is a bit unstable because well.. squeezing into tight spaces is hard work, and you don't always end up where you want too.:D Not sure if this trick actually helps, but if I kept my finger on the draggable while B is squirming, there's a better chance he can emerge out successfully.
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      I don't like giving this level 3 stars, as the setup for the main move is brilliant and a nice ability effort (speed mostly). But, besides the unstable first move, the main move is just very unstable, with B falling of the level forcing a restart. Not very rewarding for players that finally manage the fast sequence of the main move. I got the last move the first time, but felt like luck was involved. Seems quite easy to do something wrong there, which after two unstable moves, is a pity.

      Keep up this sort of design, story, and type of moves, I really like that. But please make them stable so that failure is (mostly) due to the player.
    • mothproof
      @Block builder Thanks for playing. Unfortunately, I think I kinda capped everything with this 20 years later level, lol. Although not sure if B would like to leave things at that.

      Thank you for the stars (had just read this thread started by @Chuckthulhu how the ratings have become mostly just 4s and 5s when 3 is just as perfectly ok rating as well, means something needs to be improved still, etc)...
    • mothproof
      I realize the first move was rather unstable, I liked the fact that you can almost vicariously feel like you're the one squeezing into that tight space, with a lot of hard work. :)
      As for the main move, I had earlier considered replacing one of the pipes with a block instead for better footing, but since I can still win with the pipe there I let it stay. I guess I must remember that I have the headstart of playing several (50 times, lol) over and over, over the actual players.
    • mothproof
      I'll try to mind the stability next time. It's just so annoying that I have to keep stacking up grasses and erasing them over and over to create the dried look. (Read it in the forums a long time ago, but the water would always come back when I tried it.) :)
    • Block builder
      @mothproof Well, you can do that once when you've finished the level completely. :smirk: You can also use the customizer at mekostudio.com for that btw.

      But I know it's tempting to leave something instable but doable because you like it in some way. The principle of "kill your darlings" applies here, they aren't the players' darlings. :D

      Concerning the mostly 4-5 stars ratings, indeed, we have 'rating inflation'. I try to combat that, while hopefully not being detrimental to the mood of the creator.
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