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Anxo Varela

Oblique Geometry

B and R have a very different behaviour. When they are on oblique bricks, only R can walk normally. In this level you have to use oblique geometry to win. This is the 2nd version, simplified for better, shorter and restartable gameplay.

Oblique Geometry
Anxo Varela, Sep 4, 2017
hadi likes this.
    • Anxo Varela
    • Anxo Varela
      Solution video available in caption tab.
    • gmacpro
      I started to play and then I figured this is the same other than a stair leading out of the water. I'm not herding B all the way around again so I watched the movie that ended short and the steps were the same. My B didn't use the spinning mechanism at all.
    • Anxo Varela
      It's an option. There are some different ways to do the initial steps.
      As this is the game title, here I preferred always the oblique geometry option but you can get out of that platform using tricks, not the rotating structure.
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    Sep 4, 2017
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  • Not complete, but with the more important hints. The end uses