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Square one

The chase for the red spot has only begun...

Square one
vince, Aug 30, 2016
MomoKeego, Helena, Anomynous and 7 others like this.
    • vince
      Here is an updated version:[​IMG]
    • Rating:
      TR O
      Nice! The route planning is very considerate:). Nice level. That little house is truly a surprise. You know I got stumped quite a while before I entered that. And I concern about that poor little R tho .
      vince likes this.
    • vince
    • TR O
      @vince You invite them to comment & rate again. I think it's worth it:). And also I forgot to mention that is great to see some hints around the level. I've seen some levels with only draggables to pull. It just gamble but no puzzle. Make no sense.
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      Great flow of mechanisms! (I forgot what else I said)
      vince likes this.
    • Gepeto
      It was more simple with the shortcut, :p because for now I am stuck. I think I'm not far away but I am stuck...
      I have the impression that the draggable code decides for the win spot to go till the starting place of B, but it still between the house and the grass... I have opened the bridge (poor R) but nothing is waiting for me in the other side
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      Wow... very nice. It took me a while to figure, because I could get R into the crusher, but I couldn't get anywhere else. Finally figured it out. Love the mechanism.
      Look at the level with the five draggables facing you. Keep B up on the platform. The top 2 draggables get pulled out (away from the center), and the bottm 3 are in, in, out. That moves the exit.
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      B Hill
      This is crazy! How did you do that moving pillar when B steps on it? All the mechanics! So many questions!
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      Nice mechanics! How did you make the win block move all over?
      vince likes this.
    • vince
      This mechanism is basically the same as @richardfu_ did in sneak in V. I will write an explanation in the forum.
      I don't know if the hints for the slider are very helpful, but it is the same as in my level Point of view. Just less obvious ;)
    • richardfu_
      @B Hill
      There is ball in the house which is knocked over whenever you go through the house. It's surprising though that it's made so stable.
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      Beautiful, adventurous, elegant, surprising, puzzling, rewarding, fun, perfect. Thank you for an excellent level!
    • Rating:
      Now the final draggables' code is less obvious :D
      vince likes this.
    • Rating:
      Really nice level. BTW, is there any tip on the level for the right draggable code? Or is it just a matter of trying combinations?
      vince likes this.
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