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Sunny Sunset

My Favorite Bugs 2

This adds another bug, additional elements, with intricate requirements now, to make the path more difficult.

My Favorite Bugs 2
Sunny Sunset, Jul 3, 2016
MomoKeego and Ooom like this.
    • Sunny Sunset
      1. Stuck in a hole
      2. Handstand Launch
      3. Boogie Bug (also known as "Dance 'til ya Drop")
      4. Hoverbot
      5. Mid-air stretch through a solid wall (also known as the "glue bug")
      6. Rubberband Bots

      Sometimes bugs don't go as planned, which is why they are called bugs. So, because I have gotten some unexpected, and amusing, results, I have set up the level so that you don't have to reload after a failure, unless something goes totally, horribly, wrong. You should be able to get BACK to a section… But you should not be able to get forward to a new one, until you complete what failed.

      All but three bugs can be bypassed, but try them all anyway… Just because.... theyre cool
    • Rating:
      Kim Budi
      Solved ;)
    • Sunny Sunset
      @Kim Budi please delete your image. No need to post winning screenshots..Especially ones .that show things they shouldn't. Basically, it's a spoiler, please delete it.

      (Never mind...I just did...forgot I could do that...lol)

      It's there because sometimes he gets irretrievably stuck.
    • Rating:
      Rohan Kumar
      Did u make it this easy on purpose ? :v
    • Sunny Sunset
      @Rohan Kumar yes... It is only to showcase my favorite bugs… And for people who don't know those bugs, but want to try them, it could be quite difficult. And for those people who hate bugs, like I said you can bypass three of them.
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    Sunny Sunset
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    Sunny Sunset
    Jul 3, 2016
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    weird bots