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Block builder

Xmas factory

It’s almost Christmas. Santa’s helpers are still busy decorating the tree, while the sled should have been out already. The presents aren’t even loaded yet! Please help get this done quickly.

Xmas factory
Block builder, Dec 19, 2016
MomoKeego, Adiorama, HackedUp and 3 others like this.
    • Block builder
      To properly finish this level, B should be in the driver's seat of the sled while getting the win.
    • Rating:
      Finally! I can go to sleep knowing all the kids will get their presents. You'll have to wait for yours until I get to a keyboard. :p
    • Rating:
      Very nice tree :D Also good to see that you adopted the R trick from my Double Down.
    • Block builder
      @cpw Yes, I thought since you stole my stairs trick from Rainy Mekoville :p. (Actually I forgot about that trick since meko introduced it to us, and happened to stumble upon it in Rainy Mekoville).

      Anyhow, I wanted to add some trick with the tree, which was first just decoration, and thought that your climbing trick was excellent for a tree. I did combine it with a (not always successful) push of the ball. :D
    • cpw
      @Block builder What I did to @meko 's stair trick was to connect more stairs and make B fall anyway......:rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Really tricky Christmas! :D
      Great level, thanks! Although I will retry some more times because B didn't drive the car...
    • ridgerunner
      Think i am missing something obvious here.
      Can get B through garage and through the "food mixer" and nudge ball, but no idea what to do next.
      A spoiler for xmas would be appreciated.
      This level looks superb.
    • Block builder
    • nGord
      Here's my much belated review :oops: : I really wanted to talk at length at how wonderful this level was. This one is definitely going down in my all-time favourites! :)

      You made red bricks look good - no small feat at all! In fact I think you used absolutely every block type and visually they make up a masterpiece. I'm going to have to limit myself to my favourite parts, which in the art domain must be the rails you used to look like tinsel garland. That tree is amazing with all its decorations!

      The gameplay was challenging all the way with a couple of new tricks for me at the start. I had so much fun! At times I wish there were stairs back onto to the level in the back, but in the end I just got more practice with the new stuff. A few times there were glitches, but you packed so much into this level that there were bound to be some. The timing in all the sections was also tight meaning that adrenaline was pumping at the same time as I was trying to take time for admiration. I still can't believe that you let us play with the sleigh so many times. So much fun. :p

      One of my favourite exploits is @richardfu_'s Hercules and your implementation of it was perfect (and even a bit fresh given the drop down into it). The mixer attachment / present maker was obviously the most frustrating part, but with a bit of practice (again), I was able to get past it routinely. I am glad you specified in your first comment as to how B should end up at the end of the level. I found that part tricky as well at first, so it added to the gameplay. I was getting the presents in the sleigh, but B had trouble continuing until I found the elegant solution. It was so fitting. :D I also liked the fact that there were a few places where I could have potentially taken a different path, but the zappers made sure I didn't. Nothing was hidden, so I have much respect for that. :cool:

      So I can't close without mentioning the great story. Reading it and then seeing Santa's helpers everywhere was a hoot. The story also set the tone for all the expediency required to get Santa around the course. A grand experience all around! Thank you so much for this level! :)
    • Block builder
      Sometimes a simple like is so insufficient.:rolleyes: (my like for your review I mean) Thank you @nGord for this very kind and comprehensive review. Made me wanna play it again myself. And I never got pushed of the level at the 'present maker' so often. :D:confused: That final mechanism took quite some testing and refinement.
      The presents have to fall and rotate quite precise, and then it has to be somewhat movable/jammable.
      So it's nice you enjoyed it.
    • Rating:
      Nick Tesla
      Wow on this level sir! Well done! 5 stars for you!
    • Rating:
      Lord Double X
      I love the level and the sleigh is cool thanks for making it
    • Rating:
      AMAZING XMAS GIFT @Block builder!!! I enjoy it a lot...curiously the hardest step for me is the last,I mean,put B in the drivers seat :eek:jajaja...can't get the timing!!!
    • nGord
      What if I told you it wasn't about timing?
    • ridgerunner
      @Block builder ...wierd, i got a like today 19th feb linked to this level but cant see where it originated.
      Anyway i decided to use this opportunity to try again as i got stuck previously and got frustrated by the food mixer and often zapping afterwards.
      Amazing how I immediately saw the proper gameplay whilst previously i was convinced i had to get B up beside the R twosome and got B onto the cylinder slider too early in the gameplay.
      Played quite a few times to savour the wins, but the foodmixer still frequently frustrating.
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    Dec 19, 2016
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