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This isn't really a level, but an example of a flaw in the level creation system. It's possible to post levels that are technically unbeatable. I will be posting about this in the forum.

Brd-Bot, May 26, 2016
    • Sunny Sunset
      Please don't be so full of yourself that you're you think your name means something… It doesn't. There are 7 billion people in this world... how many of them are you?
    • Caken
      @Sunny Sunset 8billion also before u click the card it says image u can change that and below it it says the album mine say PutPut and TestTest
    • Sunny Sunset
      Oh my… Weve been breeding like rabbits!!

      Again, the album name is not enough to tell someone not to download something that's going to waste their time.

      PutPut. test test aren't relevant names.
      Try naming your album. "Unplayable levels/creator examples by Caken"
    • Caken
      Actually I would name it Look at the info before commenting/rating
    • Brd-Bot
      @Caken If any of my other levels got one star I would take it in stride. I would never post an unbeatable level because I play-test them multiple times before I post.
      The issue with this is that people are missing the point of this post completely! Considering this issue is already being discussed in the "Verified Completion" thread under Feature Requests, I will be deleting this example soon.
    • Caken
    • Brd-Bot
      @Caken I don't know what you mean by "what's the meaning."
    • Rating:
      play at your own risk
    • richardfu
      What flaw you say?
    • Caken
      @richardfu@richardfu@richardfu@richardfu hey look 4 Richards and 4 levels... I beat it too so.....
    • Sunny Sunset
      Ha ha ha ,..you knew you knew it ...at least now you know it

      Except this one :)

      At the time I posted about this level, I was unaware of the Boogie Bot Bug, also known as the inertia bug. And apparently so was everyone else. I think I am the one who first discovered this weirdness, and "squeeze by freedom" showcased what I found. There have been a lot of variations of this bug, this level show cases it.

      I have been using it in my levels as well.

      Please except my sincere apologies, BRD–BOT, for saying those things I did about your level. I've probably said the same things about other similar levels, and I need to find them and make amends. If you are one of those people I have slammed, let me know and I will fix it .

      [embarrassingly crawls back under her rock, and into a hole... And pulls the hole in after herself]
      Caken likes this.
    • Caken
      @Sunny Sunset u discovered it? I call lies, if u don't share something that u found did u discover it or when someone shares it and takes all the credit they discover it also disregard mine........u gave mine 1 stars give them 5 for being ahead of time
    • Rating:
      Sunny Sunset
      This is actually a very interesting level that showcases a bug that is now being used on a lot of different levels. At the time that I posted a 1-star rating for this level, people were unaware that bug existed. Now that it has been revealed, and is becoming more well-known, I have removed my one star, and replaced it with a 5-star for. " being ahead of his time" :)
    • Sunny Sunset
      Check out the level called "Squeeze" by Freedom. I told him about what I had found in a level called "factory"… At the time I couldn't really describe it when I found it. He and I got to talking about it and "squeeze" resulted, and suddenly all sorts of other offshoots and variations of that bug arose as well.

      Back in the 1980s, ( yes, that far back... Before most of you were even born..scary, eh?). I had a nickname among my boyfriend's programmer friends of "bugs bunny" because if there was a bug anywhere around, this bunny was going to find it. I became rather invaluable to programmers as a Beta Tester because, for some reason, I always tried to do thing differently, or did keystrokes nobody else thought of… Which often triggered a bug to show its ugly little antennae.

      With Mekorama, I really wasn't looking for bugs, I wasn't trying to be a beta tester... But the simple fact that I am still "the bunny" means that bugs are going to show themselves, because I still tend to do stupid things...and I just need to know when to recognize them in an app game, and tell somebody about them, even now..
    • Caken
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    Brd-Bot Levels
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    May 26, 2016
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