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Mini Tower IV

"I'm not gonna believe that these towers are simple anymore :mad:"

Mini Tower IV
richardfu_, Feb 3, 2017
Logo likes this.
    • richardfu_
      Logo likes this.
    • Rating:
      Nice combination of tricks. :rolleyes::D
    • richardfu_
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      So, I just...
      kick him in the ass?
      Worked for me.
    • cpw
      @Block builder But......No bots should be harmed in solving this level. Did you use all the tricks mentioned in the top spoiler? :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      INCREDIBLY... tricky level! My reactions: :confused:o_O:eek::eek::mad::mad::mad:(500 :mad:'s later...) :(:eek::D:cool::p:p:rolleyes:. The first part was really fun[ny], but the rest of the level was really hard. I partly solved it by accident (and by the power of the name richardfu :rolleyes:). Thanks for the frustration :mad:!
      richardfu_ and cpw like this.
    • Block builder
      @cpw No. I was able to sent B to the central square. With the lift I gave him a gentle push and he dropped on the win. Unable to reproduce or find another way.
    • cpw
    • Block builder
      Ah right thanks for the tip. That absolutely tells me nothing. :D
    • cpw
      @Block builder
      The first keyword is "combo" :rolleyes:. You need to do three tricks together in the right order.
      @richardfu_ mentioned claustrophobia in his spoiler, but that exploit only works when there is an _____.......
    • richardfu_
      Based on the feedback ( :mad: mostly) I'll post some explanations and solutions!
      When the level begins, tap on the highest staircase and raise the slider at the bottom. B will bounce back and forth!
      When B stands on a staircase and you let it walk down, B will lower its body first, and for a short period it would think it's on the block underneath the staircase. Because of that, B can access any space accessible by that block.
      Here you can perform the trick by tapping on the draggable and then immediately on the stone block at the bottom. However, this trick alone is not enough.
      When Claustrophobia occurs, B will walk automatically through pathways that have two-block high ceilings, and it can walk over stairs that it normally cannot walk onto. For this to occur, one of the two conditions must be satisfied: either the path has an "exit" (a block at the same level without such ceiling), or the path is in a loop.
      The path at the bottom of this level has a ceiling, but claustrophobia will only occur if you lower the slider to the lowest point to provide the "exit".
      If you tap an accessible point for B and then B is sent to another path, B will try to follow this path exactly, but ignoring at which height it is walking. If claustrophobia would occur for the point you tap, B will remember it and follow that path regardless of what it is actually walking on.
      Stand on the staircase near the draggable. Do the following actions very quickly: tap on the draggable, lower the slider, tap on the bottom stone block, raise the slider to the highest point.
      B should be able to get to the other side of the slider, and you can access the win block.
    • Block builder
      Got it! Very clever to
      combine tricks like that.
      cpw likes this.
    • Block builder
      For the record, I got it before @richardfu_ 's spoilers. :rolleyes:
      richardfu_ and cpw like this.
    • Block builder
      Even in a movie it's difficult to see and understand what's going on. :eek: If you know what to do, it is very consistent (as we are used to from @richardfu_). This movie was my first attempt while filming.

    • Rating:
      Muslim Arizzy
      Great level tricky..
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    richardfu season 3
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    Feb 3, 2017
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