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The Living Box

How many boxes do you see? :D

The Living Box
Logo, Jan 30, 2017
delator77, TR O and Jose Luis Galiano like this.
    • Logo
      Tap only on the red spots or else the box might stuck. And on that part where you push down the box, push it harder like you're angry! :D
    • Rating:
      Love the concept
      and what a delight to watch the 'magic' box move. Especially the first time. Quite unexpected.
      Great use of tethered B

      Really want to give 5+ stars for refreshing concept, but gameplay too glitchy and too easy to lose control of the piece
      despite clicking the right red spots at the right time
      Logo likes this.
    • Logo
      Thanks @ArGee! Actually, when I played it on my phone, it's not that too glitchy. There are only few of mechanisms I used in this level but I don't know why it became glitchy o_O. Well anyway, thanks for playing! :)
    • ArGee
      @Logo glitchy may not be the right word :rolleyes:

      bottom level 90degree turn consistently causes me problems. Gets stuck there when trying to move towards the lift as the piece goes slightly off square. Perhaps adding a mech to square up the piece and prevent it becoming askew . . . a rising wall maybe
      Logo likes this.
    • Logo
      @ArGee Oh I understand now. I also figured that out when played it many times (as I edited this level many times for some problems). My strategy for that situation is to go back the way shortly (sometimes it may take few seconds for the piece to move) and then go on again. If won't work, the only solution is to hit the retry button. :rolleyes::D Well actually, it really works most of the time.
    • Logo
      @ArGee Another strategy I found is to tap more than once on the red spot beside the lift.
    • Rating:
      Another creative level using the mechanism! It was actually pretty stable for me, and I liked that you included
      the red spots to guide people along
      , although I figured it out without reading your spoiler. I loved the variety of the steps and especially loved the ending. It was fun, intriguing (for those who haven't seen it before), innovative, and unique, with great aesthetics. Well done!
      ArGee and Logo like this.
    • ArGee
      @Logo I was getting the red cross when trying to reverse or go foward or move it. Eventually multiple taps produced movement but not always to free the piece to go forward.
      Logo likes this.
    • Logo
      Thanks @Frenzies for such wonderful words! Glad to hear it. :)
    • Logo
      @ArGee As I said, if won't work no matter how hard you try, just... hit the replay button. :D:rolleyes:
    • Frenzies
      @Logo No problem, although I suppose that you're lucky that it worked well when I first played it. I tried it again just for fun and I can't even get past the first step (the box stops after moving forward and goes backwards) :rolleyes:. But I have no regrets on rating it 5 stars.
      Logo likes this.
    • Logo
      @Frenzies Haha! I knew someone will find it out! Yes, it really happens. It actually happened to me many times. However, you can stop it by tapping for X. Thanks!
    • Rating:
      Jose Luis Galiano
      I did not know this mechanism and it is so surprising that it does not matter that it is a bit unstable
      Logo likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Wonderful level! Got to subtract a star as I ran into all mentioned glitches, but it's a fun level with nice ending.
      Logo likes this.
    • Rating:
      Very creative!
      Logo likes this.
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