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Rusty Bridge

Just a simple level, no tricks :)

Rusty Bridge
Morlei, Yesterday at 11:57 AM
Leo Roboskosk and delator77 like this.
    • Rating:
      Fun gameplay. Took me many attempts to do the bridge step. Then was a relaxing gameplay & liked the rotor's step. Thanks @Morlei ;)
    • Rating:
      Leo Roboskosk
      @Morlei Remarkable level!

      How i got the first star:
      It was easy just push that draggable that has the star with and i maked sure the bridge didn't fall.

      How i got the second star: I actually made sure the bridge fell and when i was in reach of the dirt block i actually went there. I turned the level 180° to the left i saw an elevator, i went up the elevator and took the star.

      How i got the third star: Used the elevator, went for the motor part the draggable one, i fell to the ground and took the stair from the other side and went up the first part of the stairs and then the other one to the finishing star.

      Thx! :D
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      The pendulum bridge is a very difficult challenge:confused::sneaky::thumbsup:! I needed many attempts.
      Overall, the level has a good design and atmosphere.:thumbsup:
      But! There is one minus - the rotation is very tight! The logical part with rotation - instead of pleasure brings disappointment:(. Because the turning mechanism catches. You need to use rounded blocks on the edges!! Then the rotation will be smooth and will not catch Please keep this in mind in the future.;)
    • Morlei
      @Leo Roboskosk thanks you for the 5 stars, I am very happy that you enjoyed the level ;)
    • Morlei
      @delator77 sorry about the annoying bridge,I saw was playing around in studio and randomly made that, it was really annoying,but I hope you enjoyed ;)
    • Morlei
      @Denis Nazin thank you for enjoying the level, about that annoying catching mechanism, that was really annoying, I agree, that's why I put "Rusty" in the name.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Morlei No, you got me wrong. I liked the pendulum bridge! It's difficult, but original and interesting!
      I didn't like the tight rotation in another part of the level:
      j фото
      I have marked in the photo - all cubic blocks are clinging!!! This creates tight incorrect and annoying rotation! You need to place ROUNDED BLOCKS on the edges!
    • Morlei
      @Denis Nazin thanks! From the I will now start using rounded blocks, thank you :D
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