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Lake Temple

Cross the temple and collect the stars!

Lake Temple
Lipled, Mar 16, 2025 at 6:52 PM
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Yes, yes!:D Finally, you started saving your cards correctly! Well done! I really praise you for this:thumbsup:! Because you have good levels and more players should play them. And now I hope you will have more views and ratings.

      About the level - I really liked it. Beautiful design, interesting gameplay, pleasant atmosphere, and a funny ending. From me 5! Good luck my friend, you have good potential;)
    • Rating:
      Leo Roboskosk
      @Lipled first star i got was the one with autopilot, second star was in one of the automatic draggables got it easily, the third one i got by going in the draggable that has a peculiar design with the wedges and metal and rotated it to 90 degrees to the left, and pushed the slider near it and and i flied my way down and got the fourth star from that path that was the only one left. Captivating level! Thx! :D
    • Valentin
      A nice exploration level with a funny boiiiing move : thanks @Lipled :thumbsup:
    • Chris Hester
      I liked it a lot, some clever mechanisms, but I couldn't see how to get the star in the air. The slider can't go past the rotating nought shape to reach it. Plus there is a stone block in the way. I did enjoy turning B upside down inside the rotating shape!

      Edit: I solved how to get the last star - at first B fell short and into the water, I had to use autopilot to get back on the platforms. He eventually flew out of the shape and took the star!
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Chris Hester
      My rating. I liked the shortcut block that dropped B down again. A very pleasing level to look at too. That last star in the air was tricky to get though.
    • Rating:
      Looks good and two fun moves. Can also win without the balls ,not using tricks.
    • Rating:
      Nice level, enjoyed playing it. Well structured and I clever final move.
    • Rating:
      Fun! I wasn't sure the move to get the floating star was going to work, but I was successful on the first try.
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    Mar 16, 2025 at 6:52 PM
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