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Wheel Of Luck

The Wheel Of Luck goes round and round… (Though it might get stuck sometimes)

Wheel Of Luck
Player, Mar 17, 2025 at 11:22 AM
delator77 likes this.
    • Leo Roboskosk
      @Player Boldy and spin worth level!

      Yk i got the finishing star first, but i thought...lets get all stars. Thats what i did. Some balls keep rolling and don't get in the hole, they keep on rolling until a dozen of times i actually stop the whole wheel.

      Which dosen't get me the 4 stars thats in the holes so.... I had to retry couple of times to get all stars (also the 5th one).

      Here is the thing. Slider rails aren't good at letting balls push down. You put them in vertical form right? There are different rotations of the same slider rails. Some of them do push down the ball but then i realize some js go the other way. Using half stone/metal pillars or horizontal slider rails. But i gotta say otherwise your level is not that bad.

      Thx! :D
    • Rating:
      Leo Roboskosk
      Can't forget about the 5 stars ;) :sneaky:
    • Rating:
      Look, the design is nice, but the gameplay is too random. In fact, the best part of the level is the title "Wheel of Luck." I'd like to give it more stars, but if I'm being honest and consistent with my assessment, I can't. Why? Because I can't influence anything; it's a matter of luck. In fact, it reminds me of a lottery drum. Thank you for sharing @Player :thumbsup:
    • Propesyonal
      99% of the level wasn't even needed. I can make B bot walk straight to the win block.

      My rating would be obvious.
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