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Meko Guy

3 Balls Aligned

2 Herc pushes and 2 auto pilots will be required

3 Balls Aligned
Meko Guy, Mar 5, 2025
cloe and delator77 like this.
    • Meko Guy
      Rethink the first two balls with stars
      Try in the opposite order
      cloe likes this.
    • Nathan Sabari
      Glad to see you on the forum friend :thumbsup:.
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      I did see video for the three ball trajectory. But I didn't use most of the top part, except for the herculean push. I liked the capture of the final star, but I did use only one ball. I pushed the star ball that rotor pushed at the end of the video, I pushed in the begining itself.
      Thoroughly enjoyed it, the autopilots at the beginning and zapper(tense :sneaky:) was satisfactory.:thumbsup:
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Loved the pushes and autopilots although i took a while to discover the second autopilot. Worth waiting for.
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • Rating:
      Wow! superb tricky level. That move with the 3 stacked/aligned balls was very clever & brilliant :sneaky:.Thanks for sharing @Meko Guy ;) great job!
      Meko Guy likes this.
    • cloe

      Highly counterintuitive and intuitive at the same time. Reuse of pendulum is an added bonus. It felt like I've played more than 1 level in one level. One complaint is that some blocks are hard to tap, and the balls on my first attempt did not completely align. I did an extra trick to recover B.

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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Mar 5, 2025
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