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Turn table 2

repost cuz wrong version(it was unfinished), just a remake of my old level turn tables

Turn table 2
Kyriegabas, Feb 2, 2025
    • Kyriegabas
      had to repost cause i mnaged to add the wrong image hahaha, this is the correct one
    • Nathan Sabari
      My friend, may I request you to put demo or something:oops:, so that I could know how to play it with respect to sliders. Sometimes ball is stuck, or it's shooted outside. And, it's dark inside even with full brightness :unsure:.
      Or maybe I'm doing wrong :confused:
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Excellent gameplay:rolleyes:
      Good design and superbly done ball paths. My bad for the previous comment, because I couldn't understand initially how to start this level :oops:, but when I did, it kept me engaged till I finished it. One important thing is, one has to go on reverse, and choose the corresponding ball accordingly, to capture the star. This costed me more attempts:cry:. But worth it. Well done my friend :thumbsup:
    • Kyriegabas
      The slider is used to open / close it, open allows the ball to move and is used to stop cheating
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      I agree with @Nathan Sabari, working in reverse works best. The first time I did that the last star became impossible. So the next time I started with that star, and the rest was still possible. The mechanism is well made, and the level looks great.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Wow, this is a great level with a very interesting and original idea!!
      The surprising thing is that I could pass by this excellent level simply because I did not understand the principle of operation - what should I do?!) At first I tried it and wanted to leave the level forever because it was not clear what to do. To prevent this from happening to other players, here is the initial hint, the principle of operation of the mechanism:
      This is not an answer - it's a diagram for understanding the pipeline!
      When I understood this scheme, the level immediately became very clear and turned into a super interesting original level with good logic. When you understand the principle of laying a path for balls, everything becomes very clear and accessible. And most importantly, you get great pleasure from the level.:D Super! 5 from me!:thumbsup:

      To all players - look at the spoiler!!! This is not the answer! Just a hint on how to understand the principle!!;)
    • Propesyonal
      It looks interesting with that clean design but i didnt' go far enough or even half of what the intended game play should be.

      I think this is more like a guessing game with a huge chance of loosing a ball out of control just to restart again.

      I'd say nice job but i'd defer my rating for now.
    • Kyriegabas
      @Denis Nazin nice diagram, hahaha definitely makes it better to understand the level
    • Rating:
      Excellent level. As everyone, after the initial shock I started understanding how the mechanism works & what I had to do. After this I enjoyed making the balls paths. Thanks @Kyriegabas ;) great job!
    • Kanchan yadav
      @डेनिस नाज़िन I could not see the star and the ball clearly so I will leave it. Now I will play again
    • Nagendra K
      What an excellent design!, I enjoyed the Idea of how this was built with brilliance. :rolleyes::thumbsup:
    • Bombz
      Good puzzle. A few solutions were possible, but preserving momentum is the hardest part.
      if you use the t-block from a direct drop down you lose all momentum even if the route is technically possible.
    • Valentin
      Great mech as always !
      Sorry I forgot to write down my comment :(
      And fun !
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