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Denis Nazin

Slider path

No tricks. Classic logic

Slider path
Denis Nazin, Mar 5, 2025
delator77 likes this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No tricks, classic logic.
      Time - 2:45
    • Leo Roboskosk
      Looks interesting...im a test it out!
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Superb classic level;). Infact, I was in full confidence that Im going to win in the first attempt itself. But, the lone star failed me:unsure:.
      I thought the main slider should be used, so that B flungs into thin air and captures it. I was wrong. R had to ride B for that. Players wouldn't get it while playing :eek:
      But wow with design and nice gameplay :sneaky:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Nathan Sabari Yes I didn't want players to restart the level and pass it the first time. That's why I rebuilt the very last part of the level - there were traps for R (I removed them). But, I didn’t take into account that players might be tempted to quickly take the lone star with a push. You wrote everything correctly in the spoiler.

      Thank you SO MUCH my friend ;):thumbsup:
    • Chris Hester
      I did everything that was in the video but couldn't get R to turn inside the back chamber. I also thought B had to take the star in the air by falling.

      It's another great level mechanism from you.
    • Rating:
      Nice clean gameplay, visual style, and very well working mechanisms, and some small puzzles to figure out.:) That is classic Mekorama, thanks! A great level! :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Goetz Thank you very VERY much my friend ;):D
      Goetz likes this.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Chris Hester Oh, I'm sorry that R let you down at the end. To make R turn to the first lower star (on the left), you need to move the slider on the floor. After that, you take the second lower star (on the right).
      Thank you very much my friend for the game and your comment!;):thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Brilliant, as always :sneaky:.I found it very intuitive which does not mean it was too easy, ehh? :rolleyes: as you like, suitable from everyone that want to think a bit :D.спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Excellent wording!:D:thumbsup:
      Thank you SOOOOO MUCH my friend ;)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Very enjoyable level. Typical Denis design. Many little things to think about, all of them manageable to solve. Vigilance is required to not get R trapped.

      I was confused with @Nathan Sabari's spoiler. B has to ride R I think (i.e. B reaches the star.
    • Nathan Sabari
      @Block builder
      I thought the main slider which was used to make B on top of R, should be used to make B fly with speed to catch the star on air. I didn't instantly realise riding R:thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder Thank you SO MUCH my friend :thumbsup::thumbsup:. Yes, that's absolutely true!:D;)
    • Rating:
      Good logic and it was fun moving the interlocking draggables. I made the same mistake as @Nathan Sabari and had been looking forward to B shooting out and capturing the lone star.
    • Denis Nazin
      @ridgerunner Yes, I already realized that there is a great temptation to take a lone star with a push. Honestly, when I made the level, I didn’t foresee this:unsure:. If I had thought about it, I would have placed the star on the side so that players would not be tempted, and not needed reload the level. But I really love symmetry and that’s why the star is in the center:D:rolleyes:.
      Thank you very VERY much my friend :thumbsup:
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