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Denis Nazin

Rotating towers

No tricks.

Rotating towers
Denis Nazin, Mar 7, 2025 at 9:15 PM
    • Denis Nazin
      No tricks. Classic mekorama logic
      Time 2:33

      A very simple piece of advice (HINT) for all occasions at this level: “if you don’t know what to do, spin it!”;)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Very good logic level on a beautiful design. I like how small differences in the symmetry cause a path that goes everywhere.

      The last few seconds in the video can be skipped by rotating the tower directly when B enters it.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder Thank you very VERY much my friend! I'm happy that you liked :D:thumbsup:
      Yes, that's right, if you apply squeeze you can do it a little faster at the end. But since I decided to make this level purely classical, I decided to make an absolutely clean solution without squeeze. Thanks;)
    • Rating:
      A nice classic Mekorama level with some logic elements and very well working mechanisms and some carefully placed obstacles. It was fun to play through it to see which mechanism is used when, and thanks for the little hint to do maybe even more spinning! :D:thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Kanchan yadav
      The long journey of B while walking on a strange path was beautiful
    • Denis Nazin
      @Goetz Oh, thank you very much my friend! And I'm glad that my advice was useful)
      I'm very glad that you liked it:D
      THANK YOU ;):thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Your latest levels are a collection of puzzles that capture the essence of Mekorama but are much more elaborate and sophisticated. Brilliant! You never cease to challenge and surprise me... keep it up my friend. Pleasant symmetrical design too, as always. спасибо @Denis Nazin ;) great job!
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Thank you, thank you SOOOOO MUCH my friend!:thumbsup:! I'm very happy that you liked :D
      Thank you for your wonderful comment! I think I will please you with the next level. The next level is also in the same classic style and with a puzzle of movement, but the next level will be completely for L bot (B will not be). I think you will like it;)
    • Rating:
      A classic Nazin design, instantly recognisable. As always thank you for the video solution without which I don't think I could have managed. Thank you for sharing.

      Классический дизайн Назина, мгновенно узнаваемый. Как всегда спасибо за видеорешение, без которого я не думаю, что я бы справился. Спасибо, что поделились.
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    Denis Nazin
    Mar 7, 2025 at 9:15 PM
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