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B is still lost in wonderland where he has met a famous cat...who wants to eat him. (No tricks)

Tui, Mar 8, 2025 at 1:50 AM
Goetz, delator77 and cimarronline like this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      What an exciting environment! You recreated the Wonderland atmosphere nicely. I like the cat and all the other animals. Typical cat action at the start. :rotf:
    • Rating:
      Lovely creation. Wasn’t sure what all the beasties were but i liked the spider that was uncaged then performed a useful role.
    • Rating:
      Kanchan yadav
      I was playing this level for almost half an hour last night while talking on the phone. Eventually I played it completely at an entertaining level. I even left it once
    • Kanchan yadav
      शुरुआत में हम गिरती हुई गेंद का तारा तभी ले सकते हैं जब वह गिर रही हो। मैंने कई बार वह तारा लिया है और कई बार चूक गया हूँ। और मुझे इसमें बहुत मज़ा आ रहा है इसलीये माई इसे बहुत बार दोहराय
    • Rating:
      A couple of no remarkable differences in this super fun level with a great design. Thank you @Tui ;)
    • Rating:
      What a beautiful level, with this cat character being easily recognisable and then performing quite some cat behaviour during the solution! :D Beautiful scenery with all those animals around. While it took me some time to locate the last star, it then all made sense and was a great visit to wonderland. :thumbsup:
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    B in Wonderland
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    Mar 8, 2025 at 1:50 AM
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