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Dangerous Games

Sadly this one doesn't use as much tricks, it's more of a puzzle,but I hope you enjoy

Dangerous Games
Morlei, Feb 22, 2025
delator77 and Chris Hester like this.
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Good level, I completed it on my first try itself ;). Hope to see more :cool:
      Morlei likes this.
    • Morlei
      @Nathan Sabari thank you! I am sorry it was really easy with no tricks but I hope you liked the level, I sort of wanted to do something old fashioned, like as if it were to be in the mekorama story

      Thanks for 5 stars by the way :)
      Also I know I already said this to ridgerunner but I used to use this forum about 2 years ago that's why I have some experience

      So yeah, hope you enjoyed the level :D
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Mekorama is more a puzzle game than a tricky ability game (or at least, should be :rolleyes:), so this is a fine level. I wasn’t very careful so got zapped a few times. I like the various ways in which you made stars challenging to get.
      Morlei likes this.
    • Rating:
      Chris Hester
      I got all the stars on my second go. I had to think and explore carefully to avoid the zappers. Excellent design! I liked the variety of movable blocks.

      I used just one trick:

      Autopilot to climb back onto the level after getting the underwater star.

      You can trap the first zapper by lifting up the three-block slider at the start. This stops the zapper going into the first corridor where B can't get past him! (Maybe you could try pushing him off the level using the rotating stairs?)

      This tip also works for the zapper bot near the high star on a slider. Once B has got the star you can lift the zapper up on the draggable and leave him in mid air.
      Morlei likes this.
    • Rating:
      A level can be good even if it doesn't contain any tricks and this level is an example of that. Fun gameplay with a nice design. Thanks @Morlei ;) good job!
      btw, @Chris Hester tricks are not needed so you have another challenge trying to find the intended solution :rolleyes:
    • ridgerunner
      @Chris Hester…your trick is not needed.
    • Rating:
      Enjoyable easy level.
      Morlei likes this.
    • Morlei
      @Chris Hester thank you so much and thanks for those tips, I'll have a look at them :) (and maybe use them:thumbsup:) (by the way, the 3 block slider was put there to trap the zapper in its area, because at the start the zapper will turn right and enter the corridor, so it makes it impossible to complete)
    • Morlei
      @delator77 thanks, I like making levels without tricks just because they're easier to make, (and I'm sorta bad at making trick levels)
    • Morlei
      @Block builder thanks!!, yeah I agree, all the levels in story mode don't use any tricks (except for need a nudge and maybe sarlac pit) so I wanted to make a level that would've looked like it was in story mode
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      A pleasant journey along interestingly design. Thank you, I liked it;):D
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