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Underwater Ruins

B must find his way through the submerged ruins. No Tricks.

Underwater Ruins
Tui, Mar 1, 2025 at 9:11 PM
delator77 likes this.
    • Rating:
      Five stars for the complexity but there are so many clean ways to win that it is very difficult to try to find the designed gameplay which i never found. The balls often landed in various areas or jammed so it was not that satisfying. My shortest win used only one ball. Liked the dynamic winblock.
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      I love how you used such complex mechanisms for the gameplay, and it's very interesting to find the correct path. But as said by @ridgerunner , lots of instabilities made me quite impatient sometimes. I restarted it so many times, to make it work. But very interesting gameplay and superb design:thumbsup:.
    • Tui
      @Nathan Sabari thank you sorry about the instability I did test and test and test because I too hate restarts.
    • Tui
      @ridgerunner Thank you sorry about the instability I'm afraid it was a bit of a hash of a level.:confused:
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Found the solution as in the video and suffered no instability issues. A joyful experience to explore this level.
    • Rating:
      Excellent level with a very clever intended solution. Unfortunately I did not see it probably for the complexity that @ridgerunner pointed out in the first part of the level (the second half we have the same gameplay) but I am happy & satisfied cause I did not use any trick :sneaky:.I had not stability issues neither by the way. Thanks @Tui ;) well done!
    • Denis Nazin
      Finally I got to your level:). I saw that the level had no tricks and started looking for a solution without trickso_O. But unfortunately, I see that you have many shortcuts. Here's one using just one ball and no tricks:
      . Please excuse me, dear author, but I understand you very well - at such levels with a large number of parts (sliders, motors, stairs, many passages, etc.) it is very difficult to make a solution without shortcuts. And it’s very easy to miss something and not take it into account.
      Good mechanisms;). Thank you
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