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Chris Hester

Open Boxes

Open Boxes
Chris Hester, Feb 16, 2025
Bombz, delator77 and Morlei like this.
    • Rating:
      Oily Jake
      Made it around first time, but the ball bounced over the top of its star….
    • Chris Hester
      @Oily Jake thanks for that, I tested it several times and it always worked. Had to move the ball around and add/delete slopes to get it just right. But balls are random so they don't always follow the same path.
    • Rating:
      Fun & well designed level...
      It is clear that in the first step the use of autopilot is mandatory because the rotor tempo makes it impossible for B to be fast enough to pass without being pushed and lifted by the rotor. But in my first victory I used an autopilot to get to the top area in the second open box but when I completed it I realized that there was a clean way to get B to the top area, in the fourth open box.:sneaky:
      thanks @Chris Hester :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Fun level:thumbsup:. I enjoyed collecting stars ;)
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Difficult start! Pleasant level after that. Nice visual design too.
    • Chris Hester
      @delator77 oops I didn't think about people going up at the second box. The idea was to work your way round to the fourth box and then go up.

      Not sure if it's autopilot or not but all B needs to do at the start is click once on the star when the game sees he has a path ahead. It's then fun to watch him get carried up into the air and over to land on the star!

      BTW this level all came about as a demo to see if I could rotate a cross by 45° in a window. You can see I achieved it in the first box!
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Good level in your style.
      I liked the beginning :thumbsup:- it's unusual for you. Thank you!;)
    • Rating:
      Genius level design
    • Chris Hester
      @Bombz why thank you! Not been praised so highly before! :thumbsup:
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    Chris Hester
    Feb 16, 2025
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