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Magic Cube

well, Have fun!

Magic Cube
Painkiller, Jun 17, 2024
Sammy 5, JojoIII, EL797 and 1 other person like this.
    • Marv
      This is wildly imaginative, but also, how do I get in :'D
    • Rating:
      Uuhhmmm, this is your second level & I can see your Meko-potential :rolleyes:... cute symmetrical design & an entertaining clean logic level... thanks for sharing @Painkiller ;)
      btw, @Marv ... there is something semi-hidden that can helps you :sneaky:... if you need more specific hint I will give you!
    • Painkiller
      My pleasure for you like it! ;)Thanks! @delator77
    • Rating:
      Ooooh... Nice timing level... Had fun to survive... :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      This is really very cool for the second level on the forum.:thumbsup:
      But I absolutely don’t understand why a large number of R bots are needed at a levelo_O? At first I thought that they were needed for gameplay. But no, I completely went all the way and collected all the stars with one B bot (the rest of the bots are not needed). The only thing I did was throw RZ it outside the level so that it wouldn’t irritate me:rotf::confused::sneaky::rotf:
      Interesting gameplay for B, good door opening mechanism, and interesting design. 5 from me, thank you;)
    • Painkiller
      @Denis Nazin Sorry for my poor English ! 我选用大量的R机器人,原因很简单:我喜欢他们可爱的样子而且这也为我的关卡添加了很多活力。不会感到孤单。 仅此而已。Thanks !;)
    • Painkiller
    • Pratik Bhalerao
    • Painkiller
      @Pratik Bhalerao I think you must have overlooked something. Tip: Opening the door requires two switches and both on one side.
    • Pratik Bhalerao
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Have fun indeed! :DThis one took a number of tries to get through as there are some sneaky spots for b. Also needed a bit of a hint from the comments on how to open the front door, enjoyed the exploration on this level and the risk factor.:p Absolutely fabulous for your second level and I hope to see you create more and keep going!:rolleyes: Thank you so much for the fun and challenge:thumbsup:
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