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Very easy gameplay

Tui, Feb 9, 2025
    • Chris Hester
      Wow, what an opening!! But this is far from easy. Loved the way B goes up the slope! But after pushing the budgie over B cannot move. So I am stuck. I tried moving onto it as it's falling, is that the right way?

      Absolutely brilliant design! If I can solve it, a guaranteed 5 stars!
      Tui likes this.
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Chris Hester
      I kept trying and managed to get past the budgie! From then it was fairly easy.

      There's just one minor flaw - B can't always go up the steps to the lift in the tower. He has to bend backwards to squeeze under a block. I just played the level again and couldn't move past this point. I had to go down and try again several times. I see @delator77 had a similar problem in his video.
      Tui and delator77 like this.
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Excellent opening, and nice gameplay Tui;). Too much work has been done for that opening:rolleyes:, I admire that:thumbsup:. Kudos
      Tui likes this.
    • Rating:
      A grand opening for this level, I like how this all unfolds! A fun level to solve, and indeed not too difficult, but still some steps and sequences to figure out. :thumbsup:
      Tui likes this.
    • Bombz
      Great level, everything is pretty straight forward and in sequence which I enjoy. I hope to see more levels by you.
      Tui likes this.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      A level from which you enjoy :D both the design and the gameplay. Thank you! Super!:thumbsup:

      There is only one inconvenience: I haven’t downloaded levels lately, I play right here on the forum (this saves a lot of time and is very convenient). But your level does not open here on the forum (I think that you need to optimize the QR so that the level opens on the forum). Therefore, I had to download and upload your level to the application as before. I haven’t been doing that lately, and if a level isn’t readable, I skip it. But for your level I made an exception, and didn't regret it;)
      Tui likes this.
    • Chris Hester
      @Denis Nazin
      Nor for me, it can't read the QR code. This is a common problem with the app too! Especially if it is too small (lots of white space around it). I later found out these levels were made with Mekostudio!

      To solve it I have to take a screenshot of the card and zoom in on my phone to crop it. I found just the QR code is enough to provide the title, username and preview image of the level! The image must be generated from the QR code itself! Very clever and efficient!
    • Tui
      @Denis Nazin sorry about that I can't play from the forum and rarely get mekostudio to even open mostly I have to just use my phone, I'll see what I can do next time. :confused:
    • Rating:
      97 NinetySeven
      Great visual opening with great actions and leisurely play.
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