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Meko Guy

Slider Redirect

A couple tricks used

Slider Redirect
Meko Guy, Feb 22, 2020
delator77 likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      - springboard stairs (with B on the stairs, tap behind B and then in front of B)
      - auto pilot (tap and move slider to redirect B)
    • HaseebDemon
      The last part was so tricky :D I had to watch the video for last steps but
      B jumping in slider from stairs is a bit risky in my device.

      I remember the first move I tried to implement this when I'm beginner glad to see and happy this trick is done quite nicely and easily in a creative way so I figured out the first trick easily :D

      But at last, I tried to Drop the ball but ball touched win xD instead of dropping

      Tricky level and was fun :D
    • Rating:
      forgot to rate xD was too excited :D
    • Meko Guy
      @HaseebDemon - The B move onto the slider can also be done in the middle if the zapper was the problem. Yes - the last ball can roll onto the win. It doesn't happen often but can. I figure that if you can push that ball you are at 98% complete so that's good enough. Thanks for P, C and R.
    • HaseebDemon
      @Meko Guy Oh the middle autopilot since I watched the video for last few steps I didn't try to look for another way xD

      Yes, When you reach the ball you completed level almost there are no tricks and other things more! xD I just laughed xD saved me some time traveling over P!
    • Rating:
      Quite difficult to find the correct gameplay and i enjoyed the challenge. My gameplay was the same for the first 90 seconds
      spotted the move to get B back onto slider but don’t like it so never bothered trying it. Instead with B on slider swipe left then right to push ball right towards hole. First time i tried this B landed on the ball and drifted elegantly together to the hole. If B gets stuck on the cylinder then making P turn up the step allows B to get back on P. From that point in the level it is easier and shorter just to make B/P turn right up the second step and B steps across to draggable
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - Thanks for playing, commenting and rating. Your alternative sounds risky and iffy - you know I don't do that but that's what happens when you don't see it.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      time precision gameplay when try to do SBS jump land on P.
      requires luck.
      doesnt like it.

      at least, i can enjoy this map without need to watch ur video.
      the solution is still understand-able by noobs.
    • Ray Aznable
      the steps of autopilot land on wedge - droping ball - quick moving slider behind ball,
      make me wanna play it again.

      u are brilliant oldman.
    • Meko Guy
      @Ray Aznable
      Luck? I don't see luck as a requirement to land on P. Yes, timing is required but not high precision. As P makes the corner, do the move, tap / tap, if the tap is right B will land on P. If you go too early or too late, B lands on the wedge and that's a recovery point. Thanks for P, C and R.
    • Ray Aznable
      @Meko Guy

      sometimes even the time is right too.
      by random chance of accident,
      head of P tilted too much, then B felloff.

      anyway, the failure from this also part of the challenge,
      and in the game with unlimited possibilities able to be made,
      this step is one of brilliant idea of gameplay.
    • HaseebDemon
      I just got the alert or notifications of comments and I can also say luck is not a requirement but yes b can miss and will land on the wedge you can repeat the move again :)

      since the creator of this level himself also said same :p I'm just sharing my experience on this level xD
    • Meko Guy
      @HaseebDemon - @Ray Aznable - I would have to say that my B never fell off of P onto the surface throughout all my test but sure it could happen. I would have placed a larger guard if it happened to me just to be safe.
    • HaseebDemon
      @Meko Guy No the guarding is enough i think, it just because of bad timing or the person is rushing without patience!
    • Ray Aznable
      wow this stuff gone longer to be discussed.

      actually, not only sometimes P walk tilty,
      also the time when B do SBS jump,
      millisecond does matter.
      a millisecond too quick, B jump low.
      a millisecond too long, B failure to jump coz his head stuck on the top part of stair when trying to jump. or B jump too high caused P to be tilted too much.
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    Feb 22, 2020
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