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Leap of Faith

A quick level with a daring leap. Requires a few tricks.

Leap of Faith
MekaSage, Apr 7, 2021
    • MekaSage
      Stair Switchback Autopilot (B has difficulties navigating certain stair configurations but will still attempt to follow the path)
      Wedge Hop (B will attempt to follow a path that starts with stairs under a wedge)
      Stair Jump Autopilot (After tapping to move B from a slider to stairs, quickly move the slider under the stairs to cause B to jump. More info is here in the section "Autopilot 8”: https://mekoramaforum.com/threads/my-video-demos-of-tricks.1213/ )

      Your first move should be to tap the upper red brick block.

      Your second move should be to tap the lower red brick block.
    • Rating:
      Easier than I thought it would be on first seeing the level.
      MekaSage likes this.
    • Rating:
      Meko Guy
      I was going to go only 3 stars as the first trick isn't very reliable and if it doesn't work then they are done. My B seemed to do the stairs no problem and didn't fall too often. I also think you missed the last auto pilot in your trick list.
      MekaSage likes this.
    • Rating:
      The tricks are quite unstable but I still like how they gave me "surprise factor".
      MekaSage likes this.
    • Rating:
      Fun tricky level...Thanks for sharing @MekaSage ;)
      MekaSage likes this.
    • MekaSage
      @Meko Guy and @P_simorf - I wonder what factors affect game stability? It worked pretty reliably on my Android phone and iPad, but those are both 4 years old. I'm guessing maybe newer devices or different OS versions might be causing the differences?

      In any case, thank you for playing and rating!
      P_simorf likes this.
    • P_simorf

      In my case, B doesn't finish his/her journey sometimes while he/she is walking on the rail.

      As for B landing on P, I'm fine with that being unsuccessful at times because there's a recovery point.
      MekaSage likes this.
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Excellent fun and enjoyable watching B get squished through that hole. I am confused by @P_simorf P comment of a recovery point if B misses P and lands on the platform, as I couldn't find one and that was my only complaint.
    • MekaSage
      @Sammy 5 - I see what you mean about the recovery point. Every time I missed landing on P, B jumped a little short and fell back into the dirt instead of landing on the platform, so it didn't occur to me to have a recovery point from the platform. Did you raise the block that freezes P before jumping?
      Thanks for playing!
      Sammy 5 likes this.
    • Sammy 5
      @MekaSage thanks so much, and yes P was frozen. I always really enjoy your levels!
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Excellent, something new. I loved it:rolleyes:
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    MekaSage's Levels
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    Apr 7, 2021
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