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Denis Nazin

Low ceiling

Trick level, need Low ceiling!))

Low ceiling
Denis Nazin, Feb 10, 2025
MekoMole, delator77 and cimarronline like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      The level at which I collected different types of "low ceiling" or "claustrophobia" trick(it's the same thing!!).
      Varieties of low ceiling:
      1) regular low ceiling
      2) low ceiling under the bot
      3) low ceiling under the ball
      4) low ceiling under the slider
      5) low ceiling under the engine
      Apart from the low ceiling there are no other tricks!
      The level is small, but for experienced players. Good luck friends!
      Time - 2:20
    • Rating:
      Nice move for the ending!
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Excellent level;). I couldn't do it by myself though, peeked at the video :D. I couldn't understand how to push the third ball, then I found it's a very easy thing to do:rotf:.
      Thanks for sharing my friend :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Nathan Sabari Thank you very VERY much my friend :D:thumbsup:;). I'm very glad that my video was useful to you
    • Rating:
      Fun demonstrations of low ceilings. The third listed one was my favourite.
    • Rating:
      Cute design, good route, nice logic
      Excellent level for me
      I like how you made the bots interact with each other, and the routes are great because they're not big but you managed to fit the gameplay in perfectly
      Very cool :thumbsup::thumbsup:;);)
    • Denis Nazin
      @ridgerunner Thank you SOOOOO MUCH!:D:thumbsup:
      I have two mini levels with your favorite low ceiling option (with a ball). They will need to be published.
    • Denis Nazin
      @alarcon First of all, I'm glad to see you on the forum! Secondly - I'm very happy that you liked :D Thank you very VERY much!!!;):thumbsup:
      alarcon likes this.
    • Rating:
      Great level, super.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Propesyonal Thank you very VERY much my friend! I'm happy that you liked :D:thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Excellent "low ceiling" level with various ways to perform it.Very fun. спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Use sideways SS to get to the tree, destabalized R so he dropped and pushed the ball in the wall (difficult!), after that it was the same as the video. Your solution is much better! You made a good complicated level, its my fault I used SS.
    • Rating:
      An interesting and very clever exploitation of an irritating Mekorama bug. Thank you for the video, essential for a mediocre player like myself. I found number 4, the slider, very interesting and tempting to copy. However my antipathy to low ceiling has not diminished. Thank you for sharing Maestro.

      Интересная и очень умная эксплуатация раздражающей ошибки Мекорамы. Спасибо за видео, необходимое для такого посредственного игрока, как я. Я нашел номер 4, слайдер, очень интересным и соблазнительным для копирования. Однако моя антипатия к низким потолкам не уменьшилась. Спасибо, что поделились, Маэстро.
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