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Logan's Run

No tricks level inspired by the 1976 movie Logan's Run. Be aware visual effects could be a hazard for certain medical conditions.

Logan's Run
MekoMole, Feb 11, 2025 at 1:47 PM
Nathan Sabari and delator77 like this.
    • delator77
      @MekoMole Uuhhmm, I don't know if I understand you well. What I would like to know is if your intended solution has anything to do with the use of free draggable because if not, I would like to find the intended solution.:rolleyes:
      ahh @ridgerunner I don't think so...
      Guys, look at this...
    • ridgerunner
      @delator77..my apologies for doubting your accuracy . I am unable to copy your move (grab the FD) but it is interesting that the FD seems to appear from the same area as the ordinary draggable is situated and is just visible and no more. I used the ordinary draggable in the making of my video.
    • MekoMole
      Sorry @delator77. The solution does not depend on a free draggable.
    • MekoMole
      @delator77 @ridgerunner I am at a loss as to where this object comes from. It looks like the head of one of the flying bots, in which case it should be metal block. The latch for the sliding arena seems to have operated prematurely. My apologies @delator77 that you are having these problems. I will investigate and report back but reiterate the object is an error on my part and is is not part of the gameplay. Thank you for your patience and perseverance.

      MekoMole @delator77 @ridgerunner Ez dakit objektu hau nondik datorren. Bot hegalarietako baten burua dirudi, eta kasu horretan bloke metalikoa izan beharko luke. Lerretarako arenarako kiskatila behar baino lehenago funtzionatu duela dirudi. Barkamena @delator77 arazo hauek izaten ari zarelako. Ikertu eta jakinaraziko dut, baina errepikatuko dut objektua nire partetik akats bat dela eta ez dela jokatzeko parte. Eskerrik asko zure pazientziagatik eta irmotasunagatik.
    • MekoMole
      @delator77 @ridgerunner I have taken Delator's video and gone through it frame by frame. I have located the rogue block. I have edited my card to remove the outer layer so I can study what is going on inside. The block is not there. Further investigation required. The attached picture shows the block just before falling and in the process of falling. I'll message you if I may delator.

    • Rating:
      Excellent level. The free draggable thing was an unfortunate incident that prevented me from seeing the solution. Once I saw it, I really enjoyed the gameplay. I'm quite a film buff but I haven't seen this movie, but I read the plot and I'm sure I'd like it. I'll see if I get the chance to see it sometime. I loved the design. Thanks my friend @MekoMole ;) great job!
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @delator77. I'm delighted you enjoyed the level. I don't remember a lot about the film other than the carousel which stuck in my mind. The film has had mixed reactions over the years. Thank you again for your continued suport.
    • Bombz
      I enjoyed the end of level but,
      when I went for all stars for some reason the arena didn't slide out, I'm not sure if I missed something the second time around, but I found a peep hole to make b walk to the star.
    • MekoMole
      Sorry about that @Bombz. Occasionally the ball that triggers the latch doesn't drop. If B is moved backwards along the red bricks ,or up the stair, then onto the red brick it should work. Not sure if you have tried the cheat card which has B positioned just before the red bricks. Well done on completing the level despite this setback. Thank you very much for playing and for your post.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      This level must have been a lot of work to make, and I really appreciate that. It was fun to explore, and watch the mechanisms, especially the ending. Similar to @ridgerunner I did not bother re-using L, the star was always taken. The paths and herding were interesting and quite a lot to figure out.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Block builder for such a favourable review and rating. However your use of the magic word fun is the real icing on the cake. Thank you also for kind comments about the amount of work to build the level. It was a lot of work but I use Mekorama as a shield against mental decline as I age ever more rapidly. Had I lived in Logan's city I would have been terminated 50 years ago.:( I've been rummaging in your albums and you must have spent countless manhours to amass such a collection. Thank you again.
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