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Meko Guy

3 Ball Straight

No tricks required to win

3 Ball Straight
Meko Guy, Feb 19, 2020
delator77 likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      - Leave the 2 balls in the center until last
      - Bricks are warnings for P traps
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
      Enjoyed my win then read the comments to see that it was a “no trick “ level. Then spent time looking for a cleaner win only to eventually look at the video to see that what i was considering a trick is in the designed gameplay. B stepping onto ball and down a level. My win was fairly similar and at the end slightly shorter as i simply pushed B onto the line of balls with the hanging draggable. While looking for a cleaner win, i was able to push the kissing balls separately. Pushed the uncovered one first (from the metal pillar direction)so P wouldn’t get frozen then pushed the other one later. So i had fun.
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - Fun is the reason we play so glad you enjoyed it. Checking the description when you download the level for tricks or not may save you some time if you want to save time. :D
    • Rating:
      :thumbsup::thumbsup: A good and fun level.:thumbsup:
      BTW i liked the red alert :p:rotf: it's a good way to put traps with precautions :D
    • Rating:
      Sun Eagle
      A small lv but very hard for me, took a while to figure out by myself without any hint or video. Some first traps is easy to avoid but I can't see the last trap and have to restart. Just 3 balls but the order is important. Liked the use of all stuffs to complete this lv.
    • Ray Aznable
      no tricks,
      but ToA make it easier.
    • Meko Guy
      @Ray Aznable - I never use ToA or BB even in a trick level.
    • Rating:
      I thought hard to release P. And succeeded by auto pilot and shifting the Long Dragger to the Middle Then B entered the gap and released P.. Happy to solved. :D.. But liitle luck when drop P to bottom way to get high ball.
    • BangTe
      @Meko Guy After seeing the video I realized that there is a safer way ... It turns out that the ball above is not the last ... So R gets stuck and my B must do an auto pilot to get into the gap to Releas P. and finish with that
    • Rating:
      Very satisfying logic level. Besides our solution matched :D.Thanks @Meko Guy ;)
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Meko Guy
    Feb 19, 2020
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