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Meko Guy

Leaning Over

Some tricks are used

Leaning Over
Meko Guy, Feb 16, 2020
delator77 likes this.
    • Meko Guy
      - momentum auto pilot (drop the ball and tap beside P to redirect B)
      - auto pilot (tap on P or Z, to redirect B)
      - springboard stairs (with B on the stairs, tap behind B and then in front of B)
      - stairs side step (with B on the stairs, tap behind B and then to the side)
      - low ceiling (B acts strangely with a low ceiling and may travel over stairs that B can't normally do)
      BangTe likes this.
    • Rating:
      Apart from the first half minute my win was different . Great complex level . Loved the start although mine was slightly shorter as the flight of B was perfect for a follow up tap after the squat on landing . For the designed win i liked the method of getting B across to the finish. I didn’t use the long set of stone steps although i saw the potential. My Z won.
      Instead of the long stone steps section, i got B to mount P by holding P with the fixed draggable until totally horizontal and B steps on. On pushing the ball i had the draggable lowered to trap the ball. Used the raised ball to lift B up to the grass above. Then lowered ball, applied spin and released. Sent Z round to the winblock first by blocking with a heldP. Then sent P round by blocking with B. I had planned to send B round to herd P but wasn’t needed as by chance P forced Z onto the win
    • Meko Guy
      @ridgerunner - Definitely different than the intended way but again you used one of my last minute chance to your advantage. The fixed draggable was inserted to help with the Z tap for B to get over by the win. Without it, the move was still possible but much harder. Thanks for P, C and R.
    • Rating:
      I cant finish this lvl... I cant find how to get finish way. Thanks to video solution... Auto pilot to zapper suprised me.. Great lvl...
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - Thanks for playing. It's nice to have quick help, like the video solution, so you can satisfy yourself. Thanks for commenting and rating too.
    • Rating:
      Using the tricks from the list I found a much easier solution. The only shame is that I missed the fun of the steps with P leaned, I only used it for the step...
      of low ceiling
      thanks @Meko Guy ;)
      btw, the intended solution was very complex :sneaky:
      Meko Guy likes this.
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