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Denis Nazin

Wandering stars

No tricks. Classic mekorama. Timing level. Demo mechanism - Wandering stars

Wandering stars
Denis Nazin, Feb 1, 2025
Jóh, Jamal, MekoMole and 1 other person like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      No tricks. Classic mekorama.
      Timing level. Demo mechanism - Wandering stars.
      Time - 1:36
      The main thing at this level is the timing of the stars on earth. Therefore, the rest of the gameplay is easy, just for fun;)

      I recommend turning down the volume - the mechanism is very noisy!
      SORRY for the inconvenience!!

      Friends, here is a demo version of horizontal “wandering stars”. Closed the design for beauty. But now I realized that important blocks are hidden from the builders. Here is a demonstration of the open mechanism.
      I specially made three different types of blocks so that you can see the difference: the stars protrude upward AT DIFFERENT LEVEL!!! That's why I chose the NOISIER MECHANISM, because the star sticks out as high as possible!! You can clearly see this in the demo version
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      Superb design and nicely done gameplay:thumbsup:. It is just a two to three tries before we could understand when to push the balls exactly:cool:. I enjoyed it completely but the noise is bit annoying:unsure:, but wow with those wandering stars:rolleyes:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Nathan Sabari
      Oh, thank you SO MUCH my friend. :D
      I'm glad you got it done quickly and liked it.:thumbsup:

      Sorry for the noise! Yes, the mechanism is very noisy. But this is necessary for the stars to be high enough above the ground. This is the basis of the level. Sorry for that!)
    • Rating:
      Kanchan yadav
      The surprising thing is that B cannot catch the wandering star by itself. The path that B creates by itself for moving ahead is also beautiful.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Kanchan yadav Yes, you are right - B cannot just take stars that are slightly below the standard location. This is why I did not close the passage to the field for B, and I wanted the players to see it for themselves. This is also an important part of the demonstration at this level. Stars on the floor for balls. But! B can take them from after the trick - “interblock squat”.
      (This is also a big reason why I left a passage to the field for B so that experienced players can try it)
      Experienced players can check this out. But it’s easier and more correct with balls.

      Thank you very VERY much my friend ;):thumbsup::D
    • Valentin
      True : it is possible to catch the 3 running stars with B :p
      I didn’t know there was a name for the trick (I didn’t know either that it was a trick !) that allows to do that.
      Precision : I managed to regularly catch the 3 stars (but after I lost the « basket » star :eek:)

      The level in my opinion is very interesting for that « ball/star-between-2-blocks » effect. The walking is not the best part, clearly :rolleyes: !

      It would rate this a 3,5 star level (average - good) in a Denis scale, and 5 stars in regular scale ;).
    • Denis Nazin
      @Valentin Yes, I'm glad that you tried to take the stars with B. I left a passage specifically for this. But it’s not easy, it’s easier with a ball))

      You are absolutely right to note that the path for B is easy. The main idea of the level is a demo of "wandering stars" and pushing balls. But I saw that this was not enough and decided to add a path for B. But! After the difficult timing for the balls in the beginning, I didn't want players to get frustrated by restarting the level and having to repeat the difficult timing all over again. Therefore, I made the continuation as easy as possible so that everyone could complete it without being disappointed by restarts. This was done on purpose;)

      By the way, this level turned out to be very difficult for the construction and testing of the stability of mechanisms and for adequate design. That's why I wanted to say that this level is much more difficult to build than to play it later:rotf::confused::rotf:
      Thank you very much my friend for the game;):thumbsup:
      Valentin likes this.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      After pushing the first ball I thought "oh, that rolls slowly". Luckily it did take a star, and now having a reference I managed to take the other two. A sneaky passage for B :sneaky:, but I had already taken the star with the ball that fills a hole. It didn't work great because it kept rollong over the hole. :rolleyes: I eventually managed to make it bounce against a metal pillar, nudging it towards the opposite metal pillar. Should have used B ofcourse! And then some final interesting path for B. Good one!
    • Valentin
      @Denis Nazin Yeah. Builders here know how much time it may take before a level is stable (or kind of stable). But players will not automatically feel the effort behind.
      And that’s what I like ;) To offer a good experience is the main point. And some magic.

      That being said, I’m happy to say that I can see that this level (such as other levels) must have been some big work for you.
      I was happy to understand , from the vertical moving star, the method I imagine you used to make the 3 horizontal balls to move ?!
    • Rating:
      Great design & really enjoyable timing gameplay! спасибо @Denis Nazin ;)
    • Denis Nazin
    • Pratik Bhalerao
    • Chris Hester
      A very good design but not easy to catch the stars. :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Pratik Bhalerao Absolutely true! That's how it should be. We need B to stop this ball (you can see this by the design around the hole - This is precisely why one column is missing so that B can pass. I really love symmetry, that’s why I don’t make such mistakes just like that, there’s a good reason for this). Therefore, first bring B to the desired position and then push the ball;)
    • Denis Nazin
      @Chris Hester Yes, you're right. It's not as simple as it seems. This is why the rest of the gameplay with B is relatively easy.
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