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Denis Nazin

Wandering stars

No tricks. Classic mekorama. Timing level. Demo mechanism - Wandering stars

Wandering stars
Denis Nazin, Feb 1, 2025
Jóh, Jamal, MekoMole and 1 other person like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Valentin @Nathan Sabari @Kanchan yadav @Block builder @delator77 @Pratik Bhalerao @Chris Hester Friends, here is a demo version of horizontal “wandering stars”. Closed the design for beauty. But now I realized that important blocks are hidden from the builders. Here is a demonstration of the open mechanism.
      I specially made three different types of blocks so that you can see the difference: the stars protrude upward AT DIFFERENT LEVEL!!! That's why I chose the NOISIER MECHANISM, because the star sticks out as high as possible!! You can clearly see this in the demo version.
    • Rating:
      Liked the design and the.gameplay. Got to be quick to block the dropped ball. Thank you for including the demo level which is very interesting. As always a very professionally packaged level. Thank you for sharing.
    • Denis Nazin
      @MekoMole Thank you very VERY much my friend, I'm happy that you liked :D;):thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Bombz
      I kept trying to land the sky ball in the hole before moving B I only achieved it once but didn't collect the star. I felt silly once I saw the solution.
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    Feb 1, 2025
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