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The I.D. Returns

There are five stars on the Broken Island waiting to be collected. The island in the middle can take you to the four sides, where the stars are hidden. Don't get lost in this huge maze of places, find the right path.

The I.D. Returns
billionYoshi, Jan 22, 2025
MekoMole and delator77 like this.
    • billionYoshi
      Long time no see. :unsure:

      I haven't paid much attention to this game in the past few years, and occasionally I will come back to see it. I don't know how long I can play this time. :confused:

      This level is the third non-normal level in the I. D. Series. I designed it to be more non-linear than ever before. You will need to return to the central island many times as you play, because there is a self-moving robot, a rotating platform, and a dragging platform, which is the only way you can collect scattered stars everywhere.

      The difficulty of this level is not too high, the significance is not to baffle anyone, just want to leave "I'm returned" traces.

      So, I hope you can enjoy this level. Good luck. ;)
    • Rating:
    • Rating:
      Chris Hester
      Complex but I liked it. Had to think hard at times how to progress which is good. :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Nathan Sabari
      I just saw that you have come back after long time:). Welcome back buddy;). The level is very nice and enjoyable. Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      Excellent! This is a very good level in the style of classic mekorama logic. Quite long and quite twisted interesting path for B. The level can be completed without re-starting - this is also a big plus! Good idea. Of course 5 from me! Thank you;):thumbsup:
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