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Denis Nazin

Castle Secret

No tricks, classic mekorama logic. Need push. Good luck friends

Castle Secret
Denis Nazin, Jan 24, 2025
cimarronline and delator77 like this.
    • Rating:
      Don G Rowe
      Great puzzle set in some first rate architecture. My only very small criticism would be about ...
      the zappers. They don't really inform the logic or guide the gameplay, and seemed to be just sort of annoying. Which kind of soured the mood a bit for me.
    • Rating:
      Beautiful simple design, absolutely classic. Video assistance gratefully acknowledged. I can relate to the compulsion to build a visually attractive design then working out how to build gameplay worthy of the design.
      I agree completely with your comments on low ceiling. When I build a level I want the bot to travel to the EXACT spot the user taps, assuming it is a valid spot on the designed path. Features/Bugs like fuzzy tapping and low ceiling do nothing to improve the play experience of the average user.
      YES, as a designer I should build to insulate the user from these features/bugs but that comes at a price. Mekorama is a very tight environment to build in. Having to sacrifice a block to raise a ceiling to avoid this bug is an irritant and a limitation to innovative building.
      Enough of my soapbox, a beautiful cleverly designed level. Thank you for sharing.

      Красивый простой дизайн, абсолютно классический. Видеопомощь с благодарностью принята. Я могу понять, что такое навязчивое желание создать визуально привлекательный дизайн, а затем разобраться, как создать игровой процесс, достойный дизайна. Я полностью согласен с вашими комментариями о низком потолке. Когда я создаю уровень, я хочу, чтобы бот перемещался ТОЧНО в то место, куда нажимает пользователь, предполагая, что это допустимое место на разработанном пути. Такие особенности/ошибки, как нечеткое нажатие и низкий потолок, никак не улучшают игровой опыт обычного пользователя. ДА, как дизайнер, я должен строить так, чтобы изолировать пользователя от этих особенностей/ошибок, но это имеет свою цену. Mekorama — очень тесная среда для строительства. Необходимость жертвовать блоком, чтобы поднять потолок, чтобы избежать этой ошибки, является раздражителем и ограничением для инновационного строительства. Хватит моей мыльной оперы, прекрасный, умно спроектированный уровень. Спасибо, что поделились.
    • Denis Nazin
      @MekoMole Thank you very much for your understanding and support as a level author!! It is immediately obvious that you understand these problems very well;)

      Thank you SO MUCH :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @Don G Rowe Thank you very much, I am very glad that you played my level! I am glad that you liked the level.

      About zippers.
      They have a very important function - to have a strict logical sequence of actions! So that the player first does all the actions around the castle, and then stands in the right place. And only after that opens the passage to the castle! And so that after that he cannot leave the castle, and looks for another way to get out. That is why the function Z is very important!
      Yes, I completely agree with you - I did not want to put Z on this level! But I had a choice:
      either ruin the design and put additional fencing blocks, or use the raised eye so as not to ruin the design and these grass blocks were impassable, or put Z.
      I did not want to ruin the design and did not want there to be a trick with the raised eye. That's why I was left with only one option using Z. I did not want this, it was a forced measure.

      Thank you VERY much ;):thumbsup:
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