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Pit and Pendulum

A no tricks timing level. Cheat card included to allow mid game restart.

Pit and Pendulum
MekoMole, Jan 23, 2025
delator77 likes this.
    • MekoMole
      Inspired by the Edgar Alan Poe story and also a scene from the movie Galaxy Quest.
      Fairly self explanatory gameplay. Elements of repetition but some subtle variations to look out for, especially on the first level. Sure there is scope for shortcuts with autopilot but my levels are no go autopilot zones.
      If B is knocked to the ground re enter the game at ground level. Zapped means zapped and restart required. Self playing cheat card included to allow restarts at midway point in game.

      Вдохновлен историей Эдгара Алана По, а также сценой из фильма «В поисках галактики». Достаточно понятный геймплей. Элементы повторения, но есть и небольшие вариации, на которые следует обратить внимание, особенно на первом уровне. Конечно, с автопилотом есть возможность срезать путь, но мои уровни не являются зонами автопилота. Если B повален на землю, повторно войдите в игру с уровня земли. Zapped означает, что компьютер заблокирован и требуется перезагрузка. Включена чит-карта для самостоятельной игры, позволяющая перезапустить игру в середине игры.
      Edgar Alan Poe istorioan inspiratua eta Galaxy Quest filmeko eszena batean ere inspiratua. Nahiko bere burua azaltzeko jokatzeko. Errepikapeneko elementuak baina aldaera sotil batzuk begiratu behar dira, batez ere lehen mailan. Ziur pilotu automatikoarekin lasterbideak egiteko aukera dagoela, baina nire mailak ez dira pilotu automatikoaren eremuak. B lurrera botatzen bada berriro sartu jokoan lur mailan. Zapped esan nahi du zapped eta berrabiarazi behar da. Norbere jolasteko iruzur-txartela barne, jokoaren erdialdean berrabiarazi ahal izateko.

    • Rating:
      Liked the design with the heavy looking pendulums.
    • Rating:
      I love timing levels & this one was very nice.Very cute pendulum design too. Thanks @MekoMole ;) well done!
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @ridgerunner. I like the pendulums but feel that they lack the charisma and menace of the Bar L Apes in Jungle Book.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @delator77 for a very kind review. I find timing levels difficult to build in that I design to what level of difficulty my ageing reactions can master, and more importantly, test. Hope it wasn't too easy.
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Love the pendulum mechs, they are partially predictable and partially not. The zapper and linking path variation keeps you sharp.
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Block builder. I think the occasional unpredictability of the pendulums is due to slight wobbles which cause the pendulum to sometimes graze the blocks running crosswise. I'm not sure of the physics of a block but it does have appreciable mass. Obviously with a long moment arm this is amplified and produces the wobble. At least that's my theory.
      I appreciate the comment about path variation as I was concerned the path was too predictable and repetitive.
      As always a favourable review from a master builder is much appreciated.
    • Valentin
      I really liked !
      I felt like playing an old video game.
      Of course I made the mistake to follow L in the will to bypass half of the end …
      The level also reminded me the cave of an old castle in an ancient quest ;)

      Great use of physics !
    • MekoMole
      Thank you @Valentin, delighted you liked it. Compliments from famous builders always welcome.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I know that there are many fans of this genre, but I don't really like the style of timing levels. But it's just a matter of taste. I know for sure that many people on the forum really like this genre.

      But of course I couldn't pass by your level and I played.
      This is a really good timing level (very well calculated) and by the way, thank you very much for the tips on safe places!! This is concern for the players and I really appreciate it!
      Very good pendulum mechanism! In my opinion, the pendulum mechanism is the main goal of this level. It's cool and very well integrated into the gameplay. This level certainly deserves a 5. And is a good representative of this genre. Thank you;)
    • MekoMole
      Thank you very much @Denis Nazin for playing my level and taking the time to review in depth despite this not being a favourite genre. That is the hallmark of a professional.
      You have correctly identified that the main feature of this level is the pendulum. Like yourself, I think, I like to dabble and experiment. I don't presume to be in the same league as yourself.
      I have built a previous pendulum level, The Kelpies, and a previous timing level, Jungle Book. At face value Pit and Pendulum is a combined rehash of the two. However the behaviour of the pendulum at Top Dead Centre is intriguing and I think adds an element of uncertainty to the gameplay.
      I appreciate very much your continued support.

      Большое спасибо за то, что вы сыграли на моем уровне и нашли время для подробного обзора, несмотря на то, что это не любимый жанр. Это отличительная черта профессионала. Вы правильно определили, что главная особенность этого уровня — маятник. Я думаю, как и вы, мне нравится баловаться и экспериментировать. Я не претендую на то, чтобы быть в одной лиге с вами. Я построил предыдущий уровень с маятником, The Kelpies, и предыдущий уровень с таймингом, Jungle Book. На первый взгляд Pit and Pendulum — это объединенный пересказ этих двух. Однако поведение маятника в Top Dead Centre интригует и, я думаю, добавляет элемент неопределенности в игровой процесс. Я очень ценю вашу постоянную поддержку. 5
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