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Sunda Empire

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Sunda Empire
BangTe, Jan 23, 2020
Zacky Ridho and delator77 like this.
    • BangTe
      Trick :SBS, Auto pilot, cancel tap, longleg in ending, hercules push
    • Meko Guy
      I see that you added a grass block in this version. Maybe you should play your levels before you post them, better yet make a video after you post it so that we can see that it works. You may wan to spoiler your trick list?
      BangTe likes this.
    • BangTe
      Thanks @Meko Guy. I deleted one block. And you can get the centre ball
    • BangTe
      Thanks for your suggestion. :thumbsup:
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - I got the center ball now. The move in the corner with the fence isn't stable - after about 10 attempts of B going into the hole to release R, R FINALLY was unstable and fell off the onto the stairs. The next move still doesn't work for me.
    • BangTe
      tap on the stair when R passed it
    • BangTe
      @Meko Guy 10 attemps was stable in my device. Auto pilot to release R. And wait R Fall.
    • Meko Guy
      Okay - I set up the move with Mekostudio and after 5 more attempts (this is 20 plus attempts now), the move finally worked and B ended up on R. When B and R went back and forth 3 times and the win didn't fall so I remembered, one more trick was required and when B stepped off the win went higher but didn't fall off. Now B is stranded and only a restart will help. Again, I used Mekostudio to retry the ending and got it the 2nd time but I'll not play an entire level that isn't stable to see if it works the next time. I do feel like I wasted a lot of time to support you but come on, it's great to have a great ending but it MUST work - I'm referring the auto pilot move.
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - Yes I did that too many times and FINALLY got it. :(
    • BangTe
      @Meko Guy Block win will up to wedge. Not fall win
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - Yes I said I set it up and got it on my 2nd attempt but I didn't play the entire level again. I'll do a video of what happens on the last auto pilot....
    • Meko Guy
      Here's what happens...

      It would have been nice if you gave B two spots on the lift as the distance was far and pulling the lift down before B goes was tight.
    • Rating:
      Zacky Ridho
      Good ending
      BangTe likes this.
    • BangTe
      Thank you for the video. But i think , you're too fast to do the autopilot.
    • Meko Guy
      @BangTe - So, I know you said timing was a factor but should I play the entire level 20 plus times to get the right timing? Maybe the move has too much risk of failing to be so close to the ending, especially when the timing is less than a second. If I have a risky move, it will be at the start.
      BangTe likes this.
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