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RnB Trials

The adventures of pillar-headed yellow bot and normal red bot unfolding.

RnB Trials
Mikey06, Sep 15, 2024 at 3:32 PM
    • Mikey06
      "Patience is key to not losing your mind."
      -some wise person, probably
    • delator77
      @Mikey06 Quite frustating... I did what I thought was the harder part, that is, carrying R onto B to place him on the stairs to face the last part but falled down trying to pass those four moving pillars :(... & looking closely seems that part is impossible to pass even with the thighest timing... can you do that step without falling R? I would very glad to see it in a solution movie :rolleyes:
    • ArGee
      As @delator77 said, the timing seems impossible or at least so tight so as to render it effectively impassible and therefore unplayable for me.

      I even recreated the section in the build tool to test it and managed to get R to the to the 2nd sliding pillar but was knocked off attempting the 3rd, which also forced the sliders out of sync making further progress impossible. I gave up at this point. :unsure:

      Looking forward to seeing your solution video :rolleyes:.... :D
    • ridgerunner
      In terms of winning by any means possible, i have captured all three stars in one start.
    • ridgerunner
      I crossed the four pillar section first attempt and thought that i had a good way of doing it but when i went to make a video of it i failed, so not so sure now.
      I used B
    • delator77
      @ridgerunner I'm sure you did it but according to the design is pretty clear that this part is for R... for this reason I asked to the autor a solution movie to see if is doable :rolleyes:
    • Mikey06
      @delator77 @ArGee @ridgerunner Hello, good people. Haven't been on this forum for a while, y'know vacation got me outside, but now I'm twelfth grade, so I'll have to manage my time. This level was indeed hard to beat and took me some tries, but I found a mistake and will fix it (you can get the first star with only B, making it easier). I will also post a solution, but when I have more time. Until then :)
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