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Meko Guy

Ball Run Logic 3

A no trick level. Low ceiling has an effect so a tap cancel trap may be required. Two mechanisms are hard to see so check out the sample card to see how they work.

Ball Run Logic 3
Meko Guy, Aug 23, 2024
    • Meko Guy
    • Rating:
      Excellent logic level with the main mechanisms. I didn't use the sample card so I took a few tries to understand them. My B had one less back and forth running and I liked you include your initials in the design. Now to the issues - the mech push ball roll at 4:25 failed twice consecutively so I was surprised there. Thinking my gameplay might be wrong, I tried a different approach which is to stabilize the ball on the pillar but it was worse. Check the video and see I did nothing different and got the ball to roll after 2 more attempts. The B drop at 3:15 also failed once and B went to the white.
      [​IMG] [​IMG]
      But overall I did enjoyed figuring this out.

      Nice one.:rolleyes:
    • Meko Guy
      @ohmytian - Wow - thanks for explaining the issues - I didn't have any of them so couldn't fix what wasn't broken. Some times on the mech push (4:25) it was stiff but it always went. Thanks for taking the time to comment and of course for playing and rating
    • Rating:
      Took some close examination to see why my first win gameplay was different. Then i realised is was the precise lie of a ball that was the issue. I had overcome the “no SBS” two step stack set up at 3:20 to somehow manage to get B back. I liked the designed gameplay.
    • ohmytian
      @Meko Guy Almost missed your reply as I remembered you'll always like one's comment but no here. I was also surprised to see it failed not once but twice in a row! Devices are strange.

      By the way, did you also miss my reply in my 50th level or you just didn't bother to reply?
    • Rating:
      ABDSMD mshl
      I enjoyed figuring out this excellent logic level , the sample card was helpful, thanks for it .
      As @ohmytian said , the gameplay between 0:57 and 2:57 can be shorter than that if you start by the bottom then the top.
      I was lucky with mech and B's fall , it worked for me in my first try.
      Overall a nice level , thanks for sharing ! :thumbsup:
    • Meko Guy
      @ohmytian - I missed it... This happens on this forum. You may not get an alert if you rate and comment at the same time. I will go and check it out.
    • Rating:
      What a fun clean logic level with a beautiful sandy design... while a was totally focused playing the level suddenly I thought:"uuhhmm, wait... those red bricks... are they breaking the harmony of the design?"... & then I saw the initials of your Meko-name... a really cool detail :cool:... so much so that the red bricks didn't bother me anymore :rolleyes:... thanks @Meko Guy ;) very nice job!
    • Ray Aznable
      @Meko Guy
      this is the 6th times,
      my progress stuck bcz of this ball
    • Meko Guy
      @Ray Aznable - That ball did do that for me after I changed that section and I couldn't understand why but then I figured it out. When I built the section back up I placed a dirt block where the mechanism is sitting right now. When B pushed the mech over, the mech would always go too far - I went back to the previous version and noticed the rounded block wasn't there. When I replaced it, the mech worked for me every time like before. I can see the rounded block in your picture so I don't know why the mech goes too far. I guess you'll have to skip this level... Thanks for playing and letting me know.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      finally I succed
      at my 10th attempt.

      the key was, push the mech gently.
      so, both of ball wouldnt stop rolling.
      or bended to other ways.

      this level is too magnificent
      to be skipped just bcz unfortunate
    • Meko Guy
      @Ray Aznable - First, thanks for your persistence in getting thru this level.
      How did you do this when the auto slider controls B's movement?
    • Ray Aznable
      @Meko Guy
      I simply did this

      from ur question
      I assume, 2nd ball should be released
      when B pushed toward budgeable.
      but the thing is, 2nd ball already tilted
      to hidden budgeable at beginning,
      that means, its fine to press budgeable first,
      then release 2nd using hidden budgeable.
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    Meko Guy's Levels
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    Aug 23, 2024
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