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Floating (B-Bot)

Previous level is floating with ball, now floating with bot, this level will be upgraded.

Floating (B-Bot)
lehuykhoi2612, Aug 22, 2024
    • Chris Hester
      I do not know what to do. I can get B to stand on the high silver block but then what?
    • ohmytian
      Not my type of level so after numerous attempts, I'm sorry to say I had to give up. Thanks for sharing.
    • Rating:
      Nice skill challenge & not easy to perform the two pushes in one try... i did it in 5 minutes :sneaky:... thanks @lehuykhoi2612 ;)
    • delator77
      @Chris Hester this level has no mistery my friend :rolleyes:... the only thing you have to do is pushing B using the draggables to take the stars... two pushes, two stars! good I think first you should practice the pushes & in my case I can tell you that is easier to perform the push starting with B in another block that is not the draggable.With B on a block, tap in the draggable & just when B starts walking, raise the draggable so B jumps. I think perform the jump is easy, the difficult stuff is control the strength of the push so that B jumps to the desired location... hope you will achieve it :rolleyes:
    • Rating:
      Decided to try it for 5 minutes and managed it. I found a successful star capture first jump was harder than the uuncomplicated second jump which i got on my fourth attempt.
    • Chris Hester
      @delator77 I did that but B only reached the top block at the start. I will try again.
    • Chris Hester
      I tried again but B only walks, never jumps.
    • ArGee
      @Chris Hester as @delator77 said, you need to make him jump as he walks
      set him walking then quickly flick the slider upwards
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