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Denis Nazin

Puzzle 515

No TRICKS! Only classic mekorama logic.

Puzzle 515
Denis Nazin, Jan 23, 2024
    • Denis Nazin
      No TRICKS!
      Only classic mekorama logic.
      Time - 2:30
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Excellent logic level. Why is R floating at the start? Mystery: is B floating too? :D
    • Denis Nazin
      @Block builder Thank you SO MUCH :thumbsup:
      The answer to your question is very simple (you are exactly the kind of builder who can understand me! Because you are also a perfectionist in design!). I'm always very particular about design, especially the level avatar image!! I moved the bot's R position and its rotation angle and eye direction several times. This may sound strange and stupid, but I'm sure you'll understand me! This is for the sake of design and so that the image on the level avatar is cleaner and more geometrically correct, and so that fewer details stick out and are as clean and simple in appearance as possible. This is why the B bot stands still - because it is not visible!:rotf:
      And the R bot in its initial position performs an important function - design purity level avatars. Because of this, I spend a lot more time building my levels. I spend a lot of time on the design and appearance of the level avatar:rotf::confused:;)
      EL797 and ArGee like this.
    • Denis Nazin
      My friend, so that it would be more clear to you and other forum participants what I’m talking about, I made a photo demo:
      сохранить фото из интернета
      To keep the avatar design CLEANER - the R bot in its initial position should not climb beyond the red lines in the photo. This way, the correct geometry of all the lines of the level is maintained and the avatar design looks cleaner and more pleasant!
      In fact, this applies not only to bots. I select absolutely all blocks taking into account these rules as much as possible - so that the level looks as clean as possible! It's difficult, but I love cleanliness. This is why I don’t like stairs on the levels:rotf:;)
      EL797 and ArGee like this.
    • Rating:
      Nice interaction between the devices in the three planes. Not very difficult but everything flows so well that it merits 5*
    • Denis Nazin
      @ridgerunner Oh thank you, thank you SO MUCH my friend!:D I am very glad that you enjoyed this level! Thank you;)
    • Rating:
      ABDSMD mshl
      Excellent puzzle with a cute design .
      I like it , thanks ! ;)
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Suitable for everyone... great symmetry too... спасибо @Denis Nazin :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @delator77 Yes, I really love the levels for everyone. I will soon publish some more cards - puzzles without bots for everyone. There haven't been many levels like this on the forum lately, but I've already made a few of these cards for variety on the forum. I hope you will enjoy.
      Thank you SO MUCH my friend ;):thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Brilliant design as always. I'm following your 'multi plane' levels with interest.
    • Denis Nazin
    • Rating:
      Great little entertaining level.

      I also appreciated your explanations above, that give insights into your design process and keen attention to detail.

      Thx :thumbsup:
    • Denis Nazin
      @ArGee Oh Thank you, thank you very VERY much my friend :D;)
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      Very nice clean lines and smooth design made this one a pleasure to figure out. Liked the cooperation between the Bots :p thank you :thumbsup:
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