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Meko Guy

Zapper Buddy

Auto pilot is required

Zapper Buddy
Meko Guy, Aug 16, 2024
    • Meko Guy
    • Rating:
      The level flows very well and I only needed one restart (I think you know why) to win. I liked the logic for the first three balls and my gameplay was same with a couple of differences not worth mentioning at all. By the way, why is one side of the lift has only one block while the other side has two? :rolleyes:From what I know,
      you always have two blocks for a slider if B needs to do autopilot
    • Meko Guy
      @ohmytian - First - thanks for playing and of course commenting and rating. Our level yesterday as of now has over 750 views but only four players have made a comment so it's very apparent that there are more lookers than players with words. To your question, in most cases you are correct about the auto pilots but in this case the distance is fairly short so the mouse can handle it. The reason was, the game play changed. Originally, the two side had a metal stairs where Z would mount B but that game play got trashed way back but the lift stayed the same size.
    • ohmytian
      @Meko Guy
      Maybe like what @Ray Aznable said -
      so they skip it. Who knows. :confused: We can't control them and since we already presented the card in our best condition, so let's just move on. :thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Great start but i was slow to see the finish despite the clue with the fence. I fell for a red herring in the middle and wasted time before realising i had the wrong ball order. Liked the autopilots.
      I liked the move with R ,frozen under the fence, deflects the central high ball back towards the middle and lands in the hole
    • Rating:
      ABDSMD mshl
      I usually find levels with Z bot a bit difficult , but in this one Z wasn't dangerous at all.
      Nice level with smart Aps, thanks for sharing ! :thumbsup:

      Btw i didn't use the draggable attached to the metal half pillar, what's his purpose ?
    • Meko Guy
      @ABDSMD mshl - First, thanks for playing, commenting and rating. That half pillar lift was to ensure that the ball rolled down the stairs.
    • Rating:
      Very nice coop level... I have a different ball push order but all worked fine for me... thank you @Meko Guy :)
    • Ray Aznable
      in the last 2 weeks,
      meko guy's level opening move,
      especially the ones where there are zappers,
      are too difficult to be understood,
      I needed VS...

      but, always,
      completing them felt like a need of life,
      since we used to see him post daily.
      if I skip one, would be felt like an undone
      homework, and will be left behind
      where there is new level in the next day.
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      needed VS for first move,
      the rest are achieveable
      by intuition.
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  • Album:
    Meko Guy's Levels
    Uploaded By:
    Meko Guy
    Aug 16, 2024
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