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The way will be free for the Free.

Logo, Jul 30, 2024
cimarronline and delator77 like this.
    • Logo
      Inspiration: Freedom Seeker

      Question: Which part did you like more, top or bottom?

      If you're struggling with the L-shaped budgeable, here is the "rounded L" version for you:
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Great free draggable level. The bottom part was more fun to me, felt like Sokoban. I'm not a fan of the gaps on top. And the last L-shaped block should have a rounded corner where the free draggable starts to pass it, I think. It's so easy from moving from a gap, to accidentally pushing the L-shaped block. But overall I really enjoyed this level.
    • Rating:
      I preferred the bottom as i had to restart after getting the top L shaped budgeable jammed squint.
      Logo likes this.
    • Logo
      @Block builder Thanks for the great opinion and for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I added the version, based on your suggestion, in the first comment.
    • Rating:
      As I always say I like levels where the FD is well contextualized...this is a very nice example...I prefer the bottom part too... thanks @Logo ;) well done!
    • Rating:
      I enjoyed this level but unlike others, I didn't prefer the bottom part as I think both are great! The only issue is the big L shaped budgeable and I disliked you had to drag the FD in midair in the top platform. Also it was very hard for me to drag the FD onto the lift.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      I really love non-standard levels:D, especially without bots (it’s hard to come up with, it’s very interesting and more varied than standard levels). Although the idea was taken from another author, you made a very interesting, logical level with two floors.
      I really liked this idea, so of course I give it a 5! :thumbsup:
      Although the first floor can be avoided if you use a quick start:sneaky::rolleyes: (I don't know why you placed the FD at the top in the starting position - it creates a shortcut). But despite this, I really like the idea and for this reason 5. Thank you;)
      ArGee and Logo like this.
    • Logo
      @Denis Nazin Wow, you must be really quick if you did that. I actually tried that and I couldn't do it. I placed the FD outside like that because I didn't want it to be covered by the shadows inside, creating a dark-ish FD. I wanted it to shine since it's the main character :rolleyes:

      Anyways, thanks for playing! :)
    • Rating:
      Excellent non standard level and amongst the best contextualised use of an FD. :thumbsup:
      Logo likes this.
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