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Sun In Heart

Veteran Honor

Two highly decorated veterans are honored in front of a monument and want to prove once again that they can still do it. Both deserve a medal! They are experienced and use a few little tricks: Autobilot, claustrophobia and some different pushing are necessary.

Veteran Honor
Sun In Heart, Jul 25, 2024
delator77 likes this.
    • Sun In Heart
      B on R or R on B? It does make a difference.
      One will definitely work, the other probably won't or just maybe...
    • Rating:
      Always like a bit of misdirection. My gameplay was simlar but for the high star i had the opposite bot order and it worked without any problem. I pushed the lower ball with a different bot.
    • Rating:
      I liked the red herring of the level & the last step to take the second star & very glad to be able to see it but my way to do the stuffs between was very different...your way was definitely more elegant :sneaky:...mine...lets say...shorter :rotf:...but using the tricks listed so no problem :sneaky:
      thanks for sharing my friend @Sun In Heart ;)
      Ahhh, also liked the storyline & design...
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Nice versatile level, i.e. with a range of gameplays. But they seem to mostly use all elements and listed tricks. Getting the top star, I also used a different bot order like @ridgerunner. And I did some things in a different order from the video.
    • Rating:
      Several differences in our gameplay and my way is quite similar to what @ridgerunner mentioned. The first autopilot in the video sometimes might not work for me so I used a different way which is 100% safe for B. By the way,
      R said; "Bow down before me, B.:rolleyes:"[​IMG]
    • Sun In Heart
      Many thanks to @ridgerunner, @delator77, @Block builder and @ohmytian for p, c and r :):):)Unfortunately, I'm not good at tricks and it was completely clear to me beforehand that you, as professionals, would also find different and your own ways.:thumbsup: If the level is fun or challenging for others, it's worth the effort for me. The stars are of course a lot of fun, but they're actually secondary...but your tips and comments are always very helpful!:):thumbsup: A special thanks to @ohmytian for the extra honorable bow!!!:p:D
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    Sun In Heart
    Jul 25, 2024
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