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Denis Nazin

Darts Balls

This is a mini game. There is NO logic, labyrinth, puzzle, tricks here. Just AIM! AND SHOOT))

Darts Balls
Denis Nazin, May 9, 2021
    • Denis Nazin
      I know this level is easy. But I've wanted to make a mini-game for a long time. So that you don't have to think. And just have fun. This game is not for rating - I know it is simple. Just have fun if you want)
      It is not necessary here))))):rotf:
    • Pratik Bhalerao
      Если это не рейтинг, вы могли бы загрузить это в тему или в качестве бонусной карты, Как я делал в Freeze!

      English Version (for everyone to understand)

      If it is not for ratings, you could have uploaded this in a Thread or as bonus card as I did in Freeze!
    • Rating:
      A very nice Minigame and a nice idea.
      The ball dispenser is well solved. And the fact that the disc is turning makes the whole thing even more interesting. :)
    • BlueDragon
      @Denis Nazin @Pratik Bhalerao :
      Why not to rate it? You can also build an interesting level with few "functions". And that should then go under in the depths of the forum? That would be a shame.
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      I am not really getting whom did you tagged and what you are trying to say.
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      Ok I got it.

      You asked the question and you only answered.

      So you are saying Thread is depth of the forum.
      I didn't know this.

      But I have given him another option of bonus card.
      This way a Creator can showcase his idea without having ratings on that.
    • BlueDragon
      @Pratik Bhalerao @Denis Nazin :
      I'm trying to rephrase it.

      I also find minigames worth evaluating. So I don't like an upload to another thread. Especially newbies are guaranteed not to look into it. I didn't even know there was a thread like this. And I wouldn't check it out regularly either. I only give that to consider. :)

      And if it's a minigame, then it should be able to be rated as a minigame. :)
    • Denis Nazin
      @BlueDragon Wow!) I didn't expect)) Thank you !!! You don't need to rate this game! But if you want)) I am very pleased) Thank you again.
    • Pratik Bhalerao

      I understand your thought.

      But my judgement and advise is same for all, whether they be new member or famous member.
    • Denis Nazin
      @Pratik Bhalerao Thanks for the advice. I don’t know and I don’t know how - to load maps somewhere else))) But I agree with the Blue Dragon. This game is for everyone and more for beginners. Therefore, let them play - if they want) And they do not know where there is another branch of games. Even I don't know)))
      BUT! Thanks a lot for the advice! I'll keep it on mind
    • Rating:
      Очень хорошо!

      Может быть, вы построили две мои идеи?
    • bagaynana21
    • Denis Nazin
      @Benjamin Hier Thank you! Thank you so much. I don't really understand your comments)) Apparently you also use a translator!)))
      Your mini-game map is very cool. Why did you delete it ?? I like! Maybe I didn't understand something. Sorry, I'm using a translator.
    • BlueDragon
      @Benjamin Hier:
      I remember it. You have deleted the level card. Why? An evaluation reflects the individual opinion of the individual on a level. Everyone sees it differently, one doesn't like it, the other liked it. At the time of your minigame I was bothered by the limited number of balls. You had to keep restarting it if you didn't hit. That spoiled the fun for me. But that doesn't mean everyone thought it was bad. Now it is your decision what to upload or what to delete. Still, if I were you, I wouldn't rush into anything. Ok?
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  • Album:
    mini funny game
    Uploaded By:
    Denis Nazin
    May 9, 2021
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