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Friendly Wings

Friendly Wings
ABDSMD mshl, Jul 20, 2024
delator77 likes this.
    • ABDSMD mshl
      low ceiling (×2)
      -the bottom one in R's initial position is unecessary, you can easily win without it.
      -the two draggables ( the high one and the one under the stair attached to the fence) is very hard to win without him but not impossible if you are good at timing level
    • Rating:
      I am bad at level with floating autoslider as it's easy for me to overlook some potential moves and this one is no exception. I figured out everything except the transition move that connects the two sides of the level. Good logic level and I wasn't sure why you need the unnecessary draggable.
    • ABDSMD mshl
      @ohmytian thanks for playing ! :thumbsup:
      sometimes the ball start rolling so i add this draggable, but if you push the ball and R pass immediately the draggable is useless.
    • Rating:
      I was wondering if the two two very nice red herrings in my win were part of the designed gameplay , and yes i had looked and failed to spot the very nice move at 4:55.
      i used the high ball draggable to form the stack by autopilot.
    • ABDSMD mshl
      @ridgerunner thanks for playing !
      I can't see what you did.
    • ridgerunner
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Immediately when I saw this level, I thought it's a combination of The Daltons VII and Battle Escort and Catch The Star. Levels I have great memory of. And this level did not disappont. It has a good design, some moving elements to add action, and weird but clean moves that connect all the logic together. I had seen all the individual moves, including all usages of the friendly wings. But I just couldn't piece it together.

      I could not see how to get B on the top ball, without the mechanism already being in the position where the top ball is released. Turns out, you need to use a part of the second half of the level to get B there. My brain was splitting the level too cleanly in two parts. Really liked the way in which the bots get stacked, and the low ceiling under the helpful wings.
    • ABDSMD mshl
      @Block builder thanks for playing and the feed-back !
      I will check later the levels you mentioned ( actually i played some of the Daltons maybe 3 of them , the problem is that some moves doesn't work in the new version of mekorama , i don't know if there is updated cards of the Daltons)
    • Rating:
      Wow! brilliant level with an intricate logic path... took me a couple of days to fit all the steps & only in the end you notice that the title is a good hint :sneaky:... thanks for sharing @ABDSMD mshl ;) great job!
    • ABDSMD mshl
    • Rating:
      Flux 33
      I played it again and trying to skip the long part by using Autopilot to climb Rbots with the lift like @ridgerunner, then using BB to down at the stairs after the low ceiling Bbots with the floating slider, then stacking Rbots on Bbots and herding them into wall win block. Overall quite interesting with variety game complexities.
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    Jul 20, 2024
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