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croco, Jul 14, 2024
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      Very complicated! I like how it all fits together at the end. I can't really express my appreciation for this level without spoilers. So here are spoilers.

      Some "obvious" paths and one ball end up not being used. Instead, counter-intuitive paths are required to enable other counter-intuitive paths. I think the key is to realize that three balls must go down the path with ball release draggable. The first before the metal wedge raises, the other two after. Two balls are easy for that path, but the third is not!

      Low ceiling

      And I also really like the design. The stairs rotating up were a fun surprise!
      croco likes this.
    • Rating:
      The level is six six six,太强辣
    • Rating:
      Such a complex level i had not realised that i had not used one of the balls. I went for the same gameplay as @Block builder for the lowest star but it didn’t work for me first attempt.
    • ohmytian
      Unable to scan the qr...:oops: anyone please help
    • Block builder
      @ohmytian download the image and load it in the app. Online it does not work.
    • Rating:
      So many different possible combinations and the use of hidden make this level super complex. Definitely needed the trick list by @Block builder so thank you very much sir. I once thought the fence door near L can be triggered to open and B needs to free him out! The place that stumped me longest is the vertical rail ball as I couldn't see the purpose of the underground slider until I went out of option. I decided to give it one last try before I gave up and luckily i did.
    • Rating:
      Sun In Heart
      Incredibly good level with varied moves and balls...sensational. Very complex, but without the help of the VS which Block builder made I would probably have had no chance to solve this very nice level for a very long time. Wonderful architecture, this is a masterpiece!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Rating:
      Wow, that was a complicate Meko-challenge & I must admit that...
      the red herrings made me doubt about my gameplay & I thought that I found a shortcut but fortunately when I checked @Block builder 's video solution I realized that mainly we have the same gameplay...
      but I would like to know if @croco 's confirm our gameplay is the intended :rolleyes:... the design is very, very nice too...thank you @croco ;) great job, your Meko-potential is really remarkable & amazing!
    • Rating:
      Ray Aznable
      thank you @Block builder
      for posting a Video.
      I've been stuck for days.

      this level is yet third level,
      but @croco already able make megastructure.
    • shultz
      What an interesting level! The stair mechanic is amazing and reliable. - I was wondering how B was going to get up there.

      I wish @croco would weigh in on the intended solution. It's hard to believe that @Block builder 's video is intended given that it skips a ball, especially a ball on a brick marker. Those are also some really tricky autopilots, I don't think I ever would have found those on my own, and they're so tricky that I wonder if that's the intended way.

      I also found out that with the wedge on the slider, you can manipulate it to knock the ball under B so that B walks on the ball as it rolls, which gets B down to the level. Is that intended? There is a cylinder block on its side that seems meant to interfere with the ball rolling, in front of the wedge.

      Also the first time I got up to the high ball, when I pushed it, B autopiloted onto the ball and went rolling downhill. I would really like to know if that was part of the intended gameplay!

      I will not rate because I think this level was too difficult/complex. Personally I think that if most people are not able to complete a level without a video, then it is too tricky. I also think even with the video solution it is not the actual solution, so maybe no one has beaten the level with the intended solution yet!
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    Jul 14, 2024
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