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Clock Wise

Time and wisdom.

Clock Wise
Logo, Jun 29, 2024 at 4:46 PM
delator77 likes this.
    • Logo
      A timing + ability + logic level.

      Warning: Sometimes the rotating mechanism gets stuck while nothing is blocking it (weird Mekorama physics.) If that happens, please wait for it to unstuck itself. Otherwise, please restart the level.

      Tip: You can practice the middle bridge timing at the start of the level.

      Trick required: One small autopilot
    • ridgerunner
      This level is almost unplayable on my ipad as most of the time i release R in the central lane, R goes down the step and immediately turns round and goes back. I presume this is not meant to happen.
    • Logo
      @ridgerunner Yes, that is not meant to happen. During my playtests on my android, R just walks down the stairs normally always.
    • Logo
      @ridgerunner Ok, so I tried different executions on the specific stair and I found out that R does immediately turn around and go back IF you hold the draggable while R is on the stair, not on the draggable.
      But if that's still not the case on your side, here is the I-moved-the-stair version for you:
      Hope that works!
    • Rating:
      Block builder
      That was tough! I don't think I have the correct solution so would be eager to see a video. The rotating columns block R's path on the slider.
      Going right I could easily drop R on the rail and push him along, and then squeeze him on to the slider. But going back? What I ended up doing was drop R against the column buldge, then quickly dragging the draggable back right, with hopefully R not snapping on to it. It worked after about three attempt (of only the move, not the level).
      Timing is quite hard on this one. In the end, satisfying to accomplish.
    • Logo
      @Block builder Yes, that is the correct gameplay. Ability, gotta drag quick. :sneaky:

      Thanks for playing! I'm glad that you felt satisfied completing the level, that's what I was aiming for when creating it. :)

      I will try to post a video.
    • ridgerunner
      @Logo…thanks for that.
    • ridgerunner
      I also captured all the stars using the same moves as in @Block builder’s spoiler. I have used that move often in the past and like it , but I don’t feel it integrates well with the rest of the level. I didn’t like timing to miss the swinging pendulum as R goes to push the lowest ball, but used the tendency of the clock to stick to my advantage. I waited until the clock stuck then released R which stopped up against the pendulum ready to move when the pendulum restarted.
    • delator77
    • Logo
    • Rating:
      I like the mixture of logic & timing... regarding to that move...
      I used it twice...having as a reference the movable pillars with the stars, I used the first time to get R to push the ball on the right and the second time to get R to push the last ball, which in my case was the central ball... is it how you planned?
      cute design too... thanks @Logo ;) well done!
    • Logo
      @delator77 Yes, you got it right. Thanks for playing! ;)
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