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Pedro Andrade

Hydro Dam

... o inspetor de barragens está chegando hoje e os trabalhadores se apressam para deixá-lo entrar. Com muitos pontos para verificar, ele precisará contar com seus assistentes em algumas áreas. as sentinelas da guarda estão fazendo trabalho duplo no topo da barragem. By Sammy 5

Hydro Dam
Pedro Andrade, Jun 22, 2024
    • Pedro Andrade
      Olá jovens jogadores,

      Ajudem o inspetor na verificação da Barragem!

      Boa sorte a todos!

      Nota: Contem truques!
    • Rating:
      Found two different gameplays.
      with or without the big wedge climb
    • ridgerunner
      @Pedro Andrade.. i visited the Pitlochry Hydro Dam yesterday. A level could possibly be designed of it’s “fish ladder” and dam?
    • Pedro Andrade
      @ridgerunner, Sim, mais adiante, vou tentar fazer algo parecido!
    • Rating:
      Sammy 5
      I really enjoyed the opener and the cooperation of the bots. The teleportation mechanism was very smooth and the gameplay took a bit to figure out. Thanks @Pedro Andrade for letting me help with the title and description :)
    • ridgerunner
      @Sammy 5… the mechanism is fun although on my first attempt, L went through but not upwards. Luckily L walked back around to try again.
    • Rating:
      Denis Nazin
      There are many bots and sliders and therefore there are many different ways to win:rolleyes:. But I like my several different victories:D;). Beautiful design and interesting gameplay:thumbsup:. Teleportation always works very stable and good for me!
      The only thing I don't really like is the long beginning. Each time you need to wait a very long time until the L bot gets to the right place. I would make this route shorter. I liked everything else. Thank you;)
    • Rating:
      Another level where I am not sure if my gameplay was the intended... but I had fun... thanks @Pedro Andrade ;)
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    Jun 22, 2024
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